OpenBSD Journal

bsdtalk076 - OpenBSD Developer Marc Balmer

Contributed by deanna on from the six-weeks-till-opencon dept.

In this bsdtalk, Marc Balmer talks about his history with OpenBSD, his work on nmea(4), and this year's OpenCON, which will be held this coming December in Venice.

Read and comment or download the ogg.

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  1. By cm ( on

    Deanna, according to your own analysis a while ago, a lot of BSD users and developers use OS X and such, so why do you post a link to an OGG file, even though you know that most of us will be unable to listen to it? :)

    Moreover, the following message is also noteworthy:

    1. By deanna ( on

      > Deanna, according to your own analysis a while ago, a lot of BSD users and developers use OS X and such, so why do you post a link to an OGG file, even though you know that most of us will be unable to listen to it? :)
      > Moreover, the following message is also noteworthy:

      Gentle Reader,

      I post the ogg link because Will does not html-ify them on his page like he does with the mp3s. Anyone who prefers oggs and is familiar with bsdtalk knows this. I am saving them some copy/paste.

      WRT to your URL: I have this incurable habit of thinking my own thoughts. ;-)

      Seriously, if you have problems or suggestions please email rather than derail.


      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        > I post the ogg link because Will does not html-ify them on his page like he does with the mp3s. Anyone who prefers oggs and is familiar with bsdtalk knows this. I am saving them some copy/paste.

        Fair enough, I've noticed that too. :) Have you tried contacting him and expressing the concern?

        And BTW, the interview is pretty cool. :)

    2. By Nate ( on

      > Deanna, according to your own analysis a while ago, a lot of BSD users and developers use OS X and such, so why do you post a link to an OGG file, even though you know that most of us will be unable to listen to it? :)
      > Moreover, the following message is also noteworthy:

      Really it is a matter of who the hell cares, besides haven't gifs been completely free for a while now anyways?


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