Contributed by marco on from the donations and stuff dept.
We still need more money so keep those donations coming! Other good news is that I finally found some time to do some code too. I started working on the mfi driver. That is the next generation RAID cards from LSI. MFI stands for MegaRAID Firmware Interface. It is an extremely clean and well written spec. The drivers that are currently out there are pretty minimal (FreeBSD and Linux). Not so good news is that there doesn't seem to be any open code for the RAID mgmt interface. That looks to be a reverse engineering job. Oh well, thats still pretty far away. Lets see if we can get some IO going first.
I created a skeleton driver and I am adding functions as I go; it'll be a few weeks before it gets anywhere useful. I am a little non-conventional when it comes to writing code. I prefer to do it in tree while other developers prefer to have it ready before they commit it. The reason for that is that I am pretty disorganized when it comes to keeping local trees in sync. Keeping it in the big tree enables me to work from just about anywhere. Also a few weeks ago I heard the magic *ploink* sound and lost my laptop drive. With it went a lot of ACPI and MPT patches.
(Comments are closed)
By Anonymous Coward ( on
I don't feel so bad now about the last time a drive died and took all my code with it.
By David Gwynne ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By gwyllion ( on
By Brad ( brad at comstyle dot com on
By tedu ( on
By Poor but Willing ( on
Or, failing that, I could set up an automatic check-writing service through my bank. Is there a minimum check size? (Not trying to be cheap... I'm trying to avoid annoying Theo on a recurring basis. :-)
By Anonymous Coward ( on
I don't know how things work with subscriptions.
By morsello ( on
There are no misteries on that. Try it yourself.
And remember 2 CDs per year = US$ 5 per month.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
2 CD = 2 * 45 = 90
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By jared spiegel ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
So is supporting a starving child in Africa. Which would you rather I do? Give money to otherwise gainfully employed volunteers so they can build yet another operating system? Or feed a starving child?
I say be happy with what people choose to donate.
By Simon ( on
Shouldn't make no difference, should it?
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Simon ( on
By Adriaan ( on
"Pay with your bank account, debit card, credit card or your PayPal balance. The choice is yours"
So you don't need a credit card at all ;)
By Dunceor ( on
By Andreas Lundin ( on