Contributed by dlg on from the dept.
I installed OpenBSD on a spare PowerEdge 4400 at work last night to see if our esm driver worked on it well. I would just like to say... HOLY CRAP! I usually try to write stuff in here that may be useful, but this time I just want to show off.
There are 124 sensors found on the 4400. There were a few bugs with the code from last night, namely the voltage sensors on one of the backplanes had values that were off by a factor of ten, and the amp sensors were just totally wrong. I spent a few minutes today on it and now both these issues are fixed in -current.
Here is what you can monitor via esm on the 4400:
dlg@pe4400 dlg$ sysctl hw.sensors hw.sensors.0=esm0, CPU 1, OK, temp, 30.00 degC / 86.00 degF hw.sensors.1=esm0, CPU 2, OK, temp, 31.00 degC / 87.80 degF hw.sensors.2=esm0, Mainboard, OK, temp, 26.00 degC / 78.80 degF hw.sensors.3=esm0, Ambient, OK, temp, 23.00 degC / 73.40 degF hw.sensors.4=esm0, CPU 1 Core, OK, volts_dc, 1.69 V hw.sensors.5=esm0, CPU 2 Core, OK, volts_dc, 1.68 V hw.sensors.6=esm0, Motherboard +5V, OK, volts_dc, 5.00 V hw.sensors.7=esm0, Motherboard +12V, OK, volts_dc, 12.06 V hw.sensors.8=esm0, Motherboard +3.3V, OK, volts_dc, 3.31 V hw.sensors.9=esm0, Motherboard +2.5V, OK, volts_dc, 2.52 V hw.sensors.10=esm0, Motherboard GTL Term, OK, volts_dc, 1.50 V hw.sensors.11=esm0, Motherboard Battery, OK, volts_dc, 2.97 V hw.sensors.12=esm0, Chassis Intrusion, indicator, Off hw.sensors.13=esm0, Chassis Fan Ctrl, raw, 2 hw.sensors.14=esm0, Fan 1, OK, fanrpm, 3873 RPM hw.sensors.15=esm0, Fan 2, OK, fanrpm, 4057 RPM hw.sensors.16=esm0, Motherboard +2.8V, OK, volts_dc, 6.76 V hw.sensors.17=esm0, HotPlug Status, raw, 239 hw.sensors.18=esm0, PCI Slot 1, raw, 16720 hw.sensors.19=esm0, PCI Slot 2, raw, 18777 hw.sensors.20=esm0, PCI Slot 3, raw, 33104 hw.sensors.21=esm0, PCI Slot 4, raw, 33104 hw.sensors.22=esm0, PCI Slot 5, raw, 34137 hw.sensors.23=esm0, PCI Slot 6, raw, 34137 hw.sensors.24=esm0, PCI Slot 7, raw, 33049 hw.sensors.25=esm0, CPU 1 Cartridge, OK, volts_dc, 2.81 V hw.sensors.26=esm0, CPU 2 Cartridge, OK, volts_dc, 2.79 V hw.sensors.27=esm0, Backplane Control, raw, 227 hw.sensors.28=esm0, Backplane Top, OK, temp, 24.00 degC / 75.20 degF hw.sensors.29=esm0, Backplane Bottom, OK, temp, 24.00 degC / 75.20 degF hw.sensors.30=esm0, Backplane +5V, OK, volts_dc, 5.06 V hw.sensors.31=esm0, Backplane +12V, OK, volts_dc, 12.06 V hw.sensors.32=esm0, Backplane Board, OK, volts_dc, 2.85 V hw.sensors.33=esm0, Backplane Fan Control, raw, 8738 hw.sensors.34=esm0, Backplane Fan 1, OK, fanrpm, 3490 RPM hw.sensors.35=esm0, Backplane Fan 2, OK, fanrpm, 3608 RPM hw.sensors.36=esm0, Backplane Fan 3, OK, fanrpm, 3612 RPM hw.sensors.37=esm0, Backplane SCSI A Connected, indicator, On hw.sensors.38=esm0, Backplane SCSI A External, OK, volts_dc, 4.80 V hw.sensors.39=esm0, Backplane SCSI A Internal, OK, volts_dc, 4.72 V hw.sensors.40=esm0, Drive 0, drive, online hw.sensors.41=esm0, Drive 1, drive, empty hw.sensors.42=esm0, Drive 2, drive, unknown hw.sensors.43=esm0, Drive 3, drive, unknown hw.sensors.44=esm0, Drive 4, drive, empty hw.sensors.45=esm0, Drive 5, drive, unknown hw.sensors.46=esm0, Drive 6, drive, unknown hw.sensors.47=esm0, Drive 7, drive, unknown hw.sensors.48=esm0, Power Supply 1 +5V, OK, volts_dc, 5.09 V hw.sensors.49=esm0, Power Supply 1 +12V, OK, volts_dc, 12.09 V hw.sensors.50=esm0, Power Supply 1 +3.3V, OK, volts_dc, 3.36 V hw.sensors.51=esm0, Power Supply 1 -5V, OK, volts_dc, 4.97 V hw.sensors.52=esm0, Power Supply 1 -12V, OK, volts_dc, 12.03 V hw.sensors.53=esm0, Power Supply 2 +5V, OK, volts_dc, 5.09 V hw.sensors.54=esm0, Power Supply 2 +12V, OK, volts_dc, 12.15 V hw.sensors.55=esm0, Power Supply 2 +3.3V, OK, volts_dc, 3.35 V hw.sensors.56=esm0, Power Supply 2 -5V, OK, volts_dc, 4.99 V hw.sensors.57=esm0, Power Supply 2 -12V, OK, volts_dc, 12.11 V hw.sensors.58=esm0, Power Supply 3 +5V, OK, volts_dc, 5.08 V hw.sensors.59=esm0, Power Supply 3 +12V, OK, volts_dc, 12.17 V hw.sensors.60=esm0, Power Supply 3 +3.3V, OK, volts_dc, 3.35 V hw.sensors.61=esm0, Power Supply 3 -5V, OK, volts_dc, 5.06 V hw.sensors.62=esm0, Power Supply 3 -12V, OK, volts_dc, 11.97 V hw.sensors.63=esm0, System Power Supply +5V, OK, volts_dc, 5.07 V hw.sensors.64=esm0, System Power Supply +12V, OK, volts_dc, 12.11 V hw.sensors.65=esm0, System Power Supply +3.3V, OK, volts_dc, 3.35 V hw.sensors.66=esm0, System Power Supply -5V, OK, volts_dc, 4.88 V hw.sensors.67=esm0, System Power Supply -12V, OK, volts_dc, 11.86 V hw.sensors.68=esm0, System Power Supply +5V aux, OK, volts_dc, 5.12 V hw.sensors.69=esm0, Power Supply 1 +5V, OK, amps, 1.70 A hw.sensors.70=esm0, Power Supply 1 +12V, CRITICAL, amps, 0.00 A hw.sensors.71=esm0, Power Supply 1 +3.3V, OK, amps, 1.50 A hw.sensors.72=esm0, Power Supply 2 +5V, OK, amps, 1.60 A hw.sensors.73=esm0, Power Supply 2 +12V, OK, amps, 0.40 A hw.sensors.74=esm0, Power Supply 2 +3.3V, OK, amps, 1.50 A hw.sensors.75=esm0, Power Supply 3 +5V, OK, amps, 1.40 A hw.sensors.76=esm0, Power Supply 3 +12V, OK, amps, 0.90 A hw.sensors.77=esm0, Power Supply 3 +3.3V, OK, amps, 1.50 A hw.sensors.78=esm0, Power Supply 1 Fan, OK, fanrpm, 3482 RPM hw.sensors.79=esm0, Power Supply 2 Fan, OK, fanrpm, 3694 RPM hw.sensors.80=esm0, Power Supply 3 Fan, OK, fanrpm, 3243 RPM hw.sensors.81=esm0, Power Supply 1 AC, indicator, On hw.sensors.82=esm0, Power Supply 1 SW, indicator, On hw.sensors.83=esm0, Power Supply 1 OK, indicator, On hw.sensors.84=esm0, Power Supply 1 ON, OK, indicator, On hw.sensors.85=esm0, Power Supply 1 FFAN, indicator, Off hw.sensors.86=esm0, Power Supply 1 OTMP, indicator, Off hw.sensors.87=esm0, Power Supply 2 AC, indicator, On hw.sensors.88=esm0, Power Supply 2 SW, indicator, On hw.sensors.89=esm0, Power Supply 2 OK, indicator, On hw.sensors.90=esm0, Power Supply 2 ON, OK, indicator, On hw.sensors.91=esm0, Power Supply 2 FFAN, indicator, Off hw.sensors.92=esm0, Power Supply 2 OTMP, indicator, Off hw.sensors.93=esm0, Power Supply 3 AC, indicator, On hw.sensors.94=esm0, Power Supply 3 SW, indicator, On hw.sensors.95=esm0, Power Supply 3 OK, indicator, On hw.sensors.96=esm0, Power Supply 3 ON, OK, indicator, On hw.sensors.97=esm0, Power Supply 3 FFAN, indicator, Off hw.sensors.98=esm0, Power Supply 3 OTMP, indicator, Off hw.sensors.99=esm0, Fan 1, CRITICAL, fanrpm, 0 RPM hw.sensors.100=esm0, Fan 2, CRITICAL, fanrpm, 0 RPM hw.sensors.101=esm0, Fan 3, CRITICAL, fanrpm, 0 RPM hw.sensors.102=esm0, Fan 4, CRITICAL, fanrpm, 0 RPM hw.sensors.103=esm0, Fan 5, CRITICAL, fanrpm, 0 RPM hw.sensors.104=esm0, Fan 6, CRITICAL, fanrpm, 0 RPM hw.sensors.105=esm0, Fan Enclosure, raw, 61186 hw.sensors.106=esm0, Backplane Control, raw, 1 hw.sensors.107=esm0, Backplane Top, OK, temp, 23.00 degC / 73.40 degF hw.sensors.108=esm0, Backplane +5V, OK, volts_dc, 5.07 V hw.sensors.109=esm0, Backplane +12V, OK, volts_dc, 12.11 V hw.sensors.110=esm0, Backplane Board, OK, volts_dc, 2.86 V hw.sensors.111=esm0, Backplane SCSI A Connected, indicator, On hw.sensors.112=esm0, Backplane SCSI A External, OK, volts_dc, 4.78 V hw.sensors.113=esm0, Backplane SCSI A Internal, OK, volts_dc, 4.79 V hw.sensors.114=esm0, Drive 0, drive, empty hw.sensors.115=esm0, Drive 1, drive, unknown hw.sensors.116=esm0, Drive 2, drive, unknown hw.sensors.117=esm0, Drive 3, drive, unknown hw.sensors.118=safte0, temp0, OK, temp, 23.33 degC / 74.00 degF hw.sensors.119=safte1, fan0, OK, indicator, On hw.sensors.120=safte1, fan1, OK, indicator, On hw.sensors.121=safte1, fan2, OK, indicator, On hw.sensors.122=safte1, temp0, OK, temp, 23.89 degC / 75.00 degF hw.sensors.123=safte1, temp1, OK, temp, 24.44 degC / 76.00 degF
Apart from the misinterpretion of the values coming off the hardware, the code worked fine. I think the fact that this gave me warm fuzzies proves im too much of a geek :(
(Comments are closed)
By squeege ( adg [at] squeege [dot] ca on
Let me just say that I really admire and appreciate all the work you folks do on this fine OS.
I've been buying the CDs and paraphernelia since 3.6 and they are worth every penny.
Too bad some of the hardware vendors are too short-sighted to share their documentation with the project.
Keep up the great work.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Steve Joseph ( on
By Kevin ( on
I would contribute code, but my employment contract pretty much makes anything I write company property, so instead I give $,$$$.$$
I'd like to donate hardware, but my employer also has a strict policy that old gear can only be disposed of by either shredder or donating to a 501(c)3 charity that is on a very short list. (So a lot of nice stuff goes into the shredder)
By Peter ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Nate ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Obviously it is a lot for one developer to buy or for the project to fund, but is reasonably cheap for someone to contribute.
By Anonymous Coward ( on