OpenBSD Journal

LinuxForum 2006: Several OpenBSD speakers

Contributed by mk/reverse on from the linux-bah-its-more-like-openbsdforum dept.

Thomas Alexander Frederiksen writes:

LinuxForum 2006 is the 9th annual Open Source conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is the largest IT-conference in the Nordic region, and it's very popular due to being a low budget, high quality event. It is a joint venture between three local user groups BSD-DK, DKUUG and SSLUG.

On March 4th, Henning Brauer and Felix Kronlage will be among the many speakers on the technical day of the conference.

Henning Brauer will give a brief BGP summary and explain security considerations for implementation of a network daemon, using OpenBGPD as an example. Going on by showing why things were done the way they were in OpenBGPD, how to use it and how it is used, and present some ideas for future work.

Felix Kronlage will give an introduction on how to deploy UMTS and GPRS datacards with OpenBSD in a mobile environment as well as the use of UMTS/GPRS in an embedded appliance as a fallback router. Furthermore the talk will give details on how UMTS/GPRS works in general as well as covering connectivity and synchronization with mobile phones.

Among the other speakers, you will find Linux kernel hacker Alan Cox, Postfix creator Wietse Venema and as the evening keynote the ever popular (and funny) Dan Klein. Of course, the usual suspect will be present as well.

For more information on the conference, see this page. For the entire programme for the 4th (partially in Danish), see this page.

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  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    How come Europe gets all the cool conferences? :)

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      Because Europe's cool? ;)

      1. By Nate ( on

        Nah, that's not it. It's because Europeans are more aware of alternative operating systems, noone in the US really pays any attention to anything that isn't Windows, because to them Windows is a PC. Because of this lack of awareness, all the cool conferences happen outside the US - and Canada is no better.

        Europeans look for alternatives because Windows sucks and is from the US, no nation wants to be under the thumb of a foreign power, even if it's a company.

        1. By Ian McWilliam ( on

          Tell that to our Australian Prime Minister will you. We have the biggest thumb print.......................and even less businesses understand what "Open Source" products are.

        2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

          No the situation with respects to Windows is the same in europe as in the U.S.

        3. By scarynetworkguy ( on

          Not really no. You far underestimate how much OSS is used in the US. The single biggest reason cited by every con that I have personal experience with is that travel to the US is simply too hard and there are far too many privacy/security problems with travel to the US. I mean I live here and I wouldn't travel here if I didn't have to.

          1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

            The point about security is probably a good one. Free/open-source software developers don't want to be randomly shipped off to Guantánamo or a CIA prison.

        4. By Anonymous Coward ( on

          Wrong! Linux (eww) and *BSD are in far greater use in the US than you think.

  2. By Dunceor ( on

    It's going to be very nice. 150 DKK for the second day is a really good price. Normally those stuff cost 1000 DKK+. Are there any beer drinking planned afterwards? Maybe some Gulden Draak? :)

    1. By Lars ( on

      At the normal smaller arrangements, we have beer afterwards. I cant remember with LF, if it is too big or something. Lets see.. :)

    2. By Michael Knudsen ( on

      ``Beer and smalltalk'' is on the programme for Saturday, as always. There's always a very cozy and relaxed atmosphere.


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