OpenBSD Journal

FrOSCon: Call for Papers

Contributed by mbalmer on from the unslack-and-submit-a-paper dept.

Waldemar Brodkorb writes about the upcoming FrOSCon conference - and of course we'd like to see some OpenBSD related papers there:

The first Free and Open Source Conference "FrOSCon" takes place on June 24th and 25th 2006 in St. Augustin, near Bonn, Germany. Organized by a commited team, it aims to become a significant event for free software in the Rhineland. The conference is hosted by the faculty of computer science of the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in collaboration with the student body and the Linux/Unix User Group St. Augustin. In a Call for Papers, the organizers ask for submission of contributions. A broad variety of topics concerning free and open source software is desired. Particularly welcome are contributions about programming languages, free software on the desktop, security, systems administration and networks. Aspects of free software in business and industry are also a focus of the conference. Contributions can be submitted in English or German and should summarize the intended talk concisely and succinctly; talks should range from 45 to 60 minutes in length. Deadline for submission is March 15th 2006.

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