OpenBSD Journal

Favourite release song?

Contributed by mk/reverse on from the pop chart dept.

3.6 32.4% (129 votes)

3.5 23.1% (92 votes)

3.4 13.1% (52 votes)

3.3 6.5% (26 votes)

3.2 5.3% (21 votes)

3.1 11.1% (44 votes)

3.0 8.5% (34 votes)

Total votes: 398

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    My fav is 3.1 only because sounds like Rammstein music. The others were great too. I especially like the latest two as they have a lot of meaning to them... >=) Gawd damn I love OpenBSD, something to be truly proud of! Theo deserves a hell of a lot more credit, not Linus if you ask me.

    1. By norbert copones ( on

      yeah, i certainly agree, systemagic sounds like rammstein! my next personal favorite is puff the barbarian.

      1. By Z ( on

        I agree too, Puff the Barbarian and Systemagic are great! But Systemagic sounds more like Karmic Jera rather than Rammstein.

    2. By Lennart Fridén ( on

      You know, nothing keeps people from prasing BOTH Theo and Linus. It's silly to think that we can't get along and that we HAVE to have a king of the hill...

    3. By anssix ( on

      Systemagic is my favourite favourite too.

      I actually sing it with my friend when we are drunk.

      Caaaan't fight the Systemagic!

  2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    i've never really liked any of them, but that's just my musical preference getting in the way .. they're all very well produced and sound great. i'm now curious to know how many people are involved and who actually records/produces the tracks

  3. By Peter Hessler ( on

    there is an option that is missing. Humppa!

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      i vote humppa too!

    2. By Janne Johansson ( on

      Me too!

    3. By Miod Vallat ( miod@ on

      Actually, Theo promised one of the ``next few'' CDs would have an Humppa-like soundtrack.

      This was back in 3.2.

      We all know by now he did not fulfill his promise.

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        Come on, play nice; that was a little strong. Though Theo *is* abrasive, he is producing one hell of an operating system. Cut him some slack; he doesn't write the songs, but rather writes code for and coordinates the OS project. Saying he "hasn't kept his promise" isn't fair in this case and paints him as unreliable and untrustworthy, which he is not.

        If you'd like a Humppa song, then perhaps you could write one and submit it to Theo for review?

        1. By Miod Vallat ( miod@ on

          I'm afraid you are wrong ; while Theo does not write the song itself, he chooses the general theme and reviews the lyric carefully with Ty.

          As for writing an Humppa-like song myself, it would be no use : neither Theo nor I understand finnish...

          1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

            You don't have to write humppa lyrics in Finnish, even English is ok...

            Humppa is a universal thing... I'm pretty sure that if there is extraterrestrial life they know and like humppa too, like us all, though they may not know OpenBSD, not to mention something like rock'n'roll... :-D

          2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

            Well, I'm a Finn. But I wouldn't guarantee that writing the OpenBSD humppa lyrics in Finnish would improve the artistic and literary qualities of the song that much. :)

            Sorry but humppa is passé even in Finland (except for of course).

            But what about OpenBSD rap, hiphop, techno, house, salsa or tango? Nobody could deny anymore that OpenBSD is up-to-date. Personally I wouldn't mind OpenBSD blues, funk, soul, gospel, afro, reggae, or a 3 hour symphony either.

  4. By Eduardo Alvarenga ( eduardo at thrx dot org on

    How about releasing an audio CD with all the -release songs? I think many of us would buy it :) (including me).

  5. By Joe ( on

    All of the songs are well done, but totally stupid. Why not make a song that people might actually want to listen to?

    1. By krh ( on

      People have widely varying tastes in music. I'd prefer to listen to an OpenBSD opera, myself.

  6. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    I hope it was recorded on openbsd ! Love the songs but you know it is more important that it is recorded on openbsd than not.

  7. By soul_rebel ( soul dot rebel at web dot de on

    well i actually think they are all great to listen to, also looking at it from the pure music and non-computer geek view. except number 35 which has too much talk and too less music (and maybe 32 which is not really my taste), they all 'comply' with my music taste! and the contents is cool too so thumbs up! and make more tracks not only for the releases...


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