Contributed by jose on from the PF-for-newbies dept.
"There is an article over at kuro5hin that explains how to set up a firewall utilizing OpenBSD. It is geared towards people with little UNIX background. Lots of links in this one! "I had a look at this last night, and it is a good introduction for people who use OpenBSD and PF as a firewall (which is a lot of people who normally don't use OpenBSD, or even UNIX). Well done!
(Comments are closed)
By dmp () on
By Shane J Pearson () on
I've found lots of negative views on Deadly regarding various guides.
Have you written a good guide? Seriously, if you can see where they're wrong and can do better, then please do.
You and your guide will be most appreciated.
By Noob () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
They did a good job helping me out.
By Anonymous Coward () on
By marcbey () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
Believing in OpenBSD security also means believing in reading, working, learning, working, growing, working, being proactive, working.
Laziness falls outside of the scope of OpenBSD.
By Anonymous Coward () on
(I tried something very similar to what you did.)