Contributed by jose on from the make-money-fast! dept.
"Believe or not. OpenBSD can be a good solution to any of your needs, just like it worked for us at Take a look on it and tell if OpenBSD/Squid/Apache/Tomcat/MySQL can't help you too. :)"It's true, you usually only hear about Linux in this sort of situation. Maybe once in a while about FreeBSD. Good to see that people are deploying OpenBSD in more than security perimiters but also on the front lines (where security matters but isn't the only thing happening).
(Comments are closed)
By demon_eyes_kyo () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
Have a solid server behind can make a difference, since this type of site have a lot of stuff to play with(data about customers, CC's and such).
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Noob () on
I even have it on my Toshiba laptop with X running ;-)
By Lawrence () on
By Dirk () on
By RC () on
The only problem I can think of is OpenBSD's lack of SMP, but that shouldn't matter, except for the very large sites (and those that don't know how to do load-balancing).
By Anonymous Coward () on