OpenBSD Journal

Bind Patches Available

Contributed by jose on from the name-server dept.

sevenn writes:
"ISC has patches for the bind vulnerablities up at: "

Todd Miller incorporated patches into -current earlier today by stepping the base BIND version to 4.9.11 . This fixes the ISS bug found earlier (look a day or two ago on this site). Patches for -stable (3.1, 3.2) are forthcoming.

Update As stated in the comments, patches for 3.2-stable, 3.1-stable, and 3.0-stable have been released by Todd Miller.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By RC () on

    I haven't head any comments on it yet. Would the systrace policy included with 3.2 stop this bug in it's tracks?

    Of course, it's chroot'd and drops permissions, so I'm not too concerned anyhow.

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