Contributed by jose on from the ramdisk-and-mfs dept.
"I've seen an old (June 2001) Daemon News article on how to build a bootable OpenBSD CDROM, but I was wondering if there is anything more current ( )I have seen some instructions before, including this recent article here on deadly which included Francisco's how-to, and nothing detailed for custom live filesystem cdroms. I have built some of my own using vnconfig and a ramdisk kernel and the like, but I don't really have a recipe handy (or available to share). Anyone have any other recipes they can share?The reason I ask is because I am buying a 802.11 card and want to build a wardriving laptop. However, since the only laptop I have is the my work laptop, and I can't dual boot on it, I thought it would be nice to be able to have everything on a bootable CDROM."
Update Since we ran this story a few weeks ago, I'm seeking more indepth discussions and ideas that people have developed recently.
(Comments are closed)
By Anonymous Coward () on
Good luck!
By abcd () on
Use the cd boot image (2.8MB) as the boot image for the ISO disc you create. CDRWin can do this on Windows, and the normal stuff on Nix/Nux..
Burn and boot ;)
By Anonymous Coward () on
tar -zxvpf *32.tgz -C /openbsd/
cp cdrom32.fs /openbsd/
make and burn bootable cd image from the /openbsd/ dir, and you're set. you wont have all devices and your / dir will be kinda tight, but it will be enough to wardrive. RAMDISK_CD has msdosfs compiled in so you may be able to mount your preexisting partitions w/ no change. otherwise you may want to compile in mfs support so you can mount a partition to safe data on.
you may find my howto useful for ideas. it outlines making a bootable cd which results in a system running only in ram.
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By ViPER () on
still you should order the original 3pack cd.
Even the stickers are worth the buck.
(Chicks dig them)
download the dir
mkisofs -b "i386/cdrom31.fs -v -allow-lowercase -iso-level 2 -o openbsd.iso -log-file=/tmp/log.txt ./
By grey () on
Really any of the past mailing list discussions talking about this subject should help.
Similarly check:
(a FreeBSD approach that still might be helpful)
(doesn't list instructions, nor seems to be up - but google cache reveals a similar project)
If you're just looking for some info on how to make a bootable install CD - then the shockley instructions should be sufficient (though they kinda suck as they use a cygwin+EasyCD environment as an assumption when for Windows, just Nero or something would be simpler).
This question seems to come up over and over again - I don't think it's necessarily appropriate for a FAQ, but if someone who does this regularly would just sit down and right up a document to put someplace permenant it would hopefully cut down some of this repetition.
By Anonymous Coward () on
Here's the answer now, and what it will be the next time you ask... It's trivial to make a 'live' OpenBSD. However, nobody cares.
Hard Drives are dirt cheap, and flash isn't too expensive. CDs are slow, and you can't write to them. Nobody wants to waste their time with such a useless novelty item.
If you can't figure out how to install OpenBSD on some decent media, then make a bootable CD yourself, and quit complaining.
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Jason Murray () on
The reason I can't dual boot is not that I can't figure out how to install OBSD (I've been running it at home since 2.5), but that the company policy is that we run Windows on our laptops. Since a lot of good tools are available for freenixes that aren't available for Windows, and I happen to prefer OBSD I would like to be able to use it for my work. The only way for me to do this is to have a bootable CD.
A read only filesystem is a fringe benefit for me in this case.
By Anonymous Coward () on
is it ok to install VMware?
By Jason Murray () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
that sucks. wish i had a laptop capable of running vmware to work on.
does VirtualPC offer any better support for that?
By Scooby () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
What is the company policy on wardriving with coporate assets?
By Jason Murray () on
Since I work in the security practice of a consulting company, wardriving and pentesting is part of my job.
By Anonymous Coward () on
It would realy like to see it in openbsd.
Lookat and
By Anonymous Coward () on
How to Make a Bootable, Full System OpenBSD CDROM
This document will walk you through the steps necessary to create a bootable cd containing a full OpenBSD install.
By Jeff () on
By David () on
(but the page seems down)