Contributed by jose on from the freeze-time dept.
So, if you want to try and make the 3.2 release as good as possible, please help by testing the snapshots out!
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by jose on from the freeze-time dept.
So, if you want to try and make the 3.2 release as good as possible, please help by testing the snapshots out!
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By Andy () on
By fansipans () fansipans AT on
By Jedi/Sector One () on
By Too Lazy To Get an Account () on
I just do everything, including Apache and PHP, from scratch (well, from autoconf scratch, anyway). I guess I do this because of how badly I got spanked by RPMs under Linux (I only run apt-get via fink on OS X, so I can't comment). I know that RPMs are more like packages, in that they pretty much only provide precompiled binaries. I suppose RPM source installs are more like Ports...
I've had to get a FreeBSD box set up at work, and have done everything via the Ports tree. I must admit, seeing stuff autoconfigure and compile fills me with a certain amount of well-being. It looks like it's being done right. I'm just untrusting by nature, I guess. I do a "make all install clean" and go home. In the morning, things just work.
Anyway, I keep my OBSD pretty stock, except for the occasional library I need (and, like I said, I have a _very_ specific way I like Apache built). Is the Ports tree as large and well-organized as the FreeBSD ones? Wouldn't a lot of Port installs make your OBSD box less and less secure, as you add more libraries and apps that can be exploited?
Of course, I don't even run X on OBSD, so I'm assuming those who use the ports tree a lot are those who also do not rely on that particular OBSD box being a secure box.
I suppose I could build a bleeding edge cvsup box based on 3.2 and see how things work under OBSD, but my little edge box will likely never see /usr/ports.