Contributed by jose on from the cuttin-the-cruft dept.
A good writeup on spam filtering was written in 2001 by the guys at Munts Technologies. With a little bit of work it can easily be adapted to a current system. The razor agents ports in the tree are also worth looking at using and setting up.
Lastly, through much of my research at trying to improve this process, I found that Baysean filtering, such as is implemented in ifile is an extremely effective way to filter spam and other annoying emails. Additionally, you can turn this process into finding interesting things in your inbox and categorizing them appropriately.
Definitely worth checking out if you deal with lots of email every day.
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By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By aw man.. () on
Mind you occasionally the exchange box dies and once resurrected requires restarting of service for every ~20 msgs postfix blasts out with the flush command, making life a little tedious to get back to normal....