Contributed by jose on from the --disable-shared--enable-static dept.
" "Some notes from the thread on the subject :
- you have to compile it yourself, no package yet. Some people who have been working on Mozilla are working on it.
- SSL enabled sites seems to crash it.
- form submissions (including entering Google terms) seem to barf it, too.
Make sure you read the whole thread, there are a lot of notes you'll need to be aware of. But we are a lot closer!
(Comments are closed)
By Ben Goren () on
If I weren't off to a symphony rehearsal, I'd try this right now. Finally! Three cheers! Hip-hip hooray!
Now, gimme OppenOffice! Gimme, gimme, gimme!
I'm sure we'd also all appreciate reports if other browsers that use the Gecko engine can be gotten to work, but this is plenty good enough for me for now (assuming it works).
By schubert () on
By Jeff Flowers () on
So what is it, specifically, that make Mozilla problematic for OpenBSD?
By Anonymous Coward () on
Namely, all threads show the same memory in use, so it appears that it is using much more memory than it really is. I.E if mozilla is using 20 MB of memory and if it is running 5 threads it shows 20 MB times 5 threads which looks like 100 MB in use. Aack!
By Matt Behrens () on
Frankly, I didn't think it was worth it if the results were a gigantic statically-linked binary that was incapable of running any extensions or plugins (the latter is the case, isn't it?) without being recompiled.
By M. () on
By Ben Bucksch () on
I think it would be interesting for OpenBSD users, because Beonex emphasizes security and privacy, by tweaking Mozilla to increase security where possible/reasonable. That already helped preventing at least one exploit in the past (the XMLHttpRequest one).
By Darren () on