OpenBSD Journal

Apache and FrontPage Extensions

Contributed by jose on from the compatability dept.

Sometimes you may wish to migrate away from proprietary solutions, sometimes less secure, and move everything you can towards OpenBSD. An example is migrating a Win2k IIS server with Frontpage extensions to OpenBSD and Apache. But, you can't get rid of these services, so you haven't yet migrated.

The Mirfak project produces an Apache module which provides Frontpage compatability. Several users have found success with this software, enhancing their site's security with OpenBSD. Another project includes support for ASP on Apache, giving you even more flexibility.

These are two solutions you can implement to enhance your system's flexibility without compromising security.

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  1. By Coward () on

    PHP, Frontpage extentions & ASP support.
    This would slowdown apache beyond usage.

  2. By Anonymous Coward () on

    Enabling apache, adding frontpage extensions and asp support without compromising security?

    You're nuts.

  3. By submissivo () on

    I have had several troubles on making frontpage extentions and ASP to work on Linux. Good luck on openbsd! :)

    First, mod_asp or apache-asp, isn't a fully standardized implementation of ASP on apache. It is a mix of PERL with *ported* ASP objects and alike.

    If you want to run most of your asp scripts without having to learn this new conceptualization of ASP, there's only one way but it isn't free. check chili!ASP from SUN.

    I'm not sure whether they have a portable version for OpenBSD, i've only run it on Linux so far.

    If you're security conscious and I assume you are based on the OS choice you made, let me advice you not to buy chilisoft's asp (nowadays it's more like SUN Chili!ASP rather than chilisoft).

    . They do not issue updates peridically
    . They only support old versions of Apache
    . If you need interactivity with M$ Access and alike databases, you'll always need to have an NT system with ODBC (and certainly MyOdbc on openbsd).

    I think that's all, hope it helps.


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