OpenBSD Journal

[OpenSSH] OpenSSH surpases in usage

Contributed by Dengue on from the triumph-of-Free-Code dept.

At NewsForge , Theo is proudly declaring that OpenSSH has surpassed in usage according to a recent scan of servers on the Internet.

A little bird tells me that we may soon hear from Sun Microsystems on their reasons for choosing OpenSSH as the basis for Solaris Secure Shell as well.

Congratulations to the OpenSSH team. You continue to produce a superior product that makes us very proud.

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  1. By Yuri K () on

    Sun announced some time ago what they call "Secure Shell" in Solaris 9, but there was no indication of what implementation that one is based on. Unless I missed the obvious.

    1. By Little Bird () on

      I'm in Sun as IT support. I've played around with Solaris 9 betas. We have OpenSSH in Solaris 9. We also support LDAP over SSL, so people can move to something more secure to NIS. Now if only we would get rid of NFS... ;)

      1. By Anonymous Coward () on

        There's no need to get rid of NFS, it has some excellent features, especially the upcoming version 4. Just make it secure, that's all. =)

      2. By Anonymous Coward () on

        let me begin by saying i'm no expert on nfs, but i think this is another good example of "however bad/insecure FOO is i'm glad i run it under openbsd", whatever service i need to start up that i don't know much about (there are some who say i shouldn't do such a thing :P) it's nice to know i've got a nice packet filter and a good code/audit history sitting in between any evil hackery crackery types and my service.

        Thanks to all the developers for sharing their code!

    2. By Anonymous Coward () on

      I am extremely disapointed in Solaris 9's ssh. I spent hours trying to get it to accept public/private keys.

      I have given up and put openssh on and it works as expected -- like a champ.

  2. By Yuri K () on

    Sun announced some time ago what they call "Secure Shell" in Solaris 9, but there was no indication of what implementation that one is based on. Unless I missed the obvious.

  3. By Anonymous Coward () on

    It is too bad they don't say how many of the 2.4 million are running any form of sshd. I'll bet it is still very low.

    1. By hello () no i have none on are my gui ports oepn by default?

      i am just finished installed openbsd. how are the x11 ports open? am i to see /usr/ports/X11/.X11-unix ? but it is not. any help could provide is nice. thank you.

      1. By Anonymous Coward () on

        I'm not the expert, but try the following command:

        netstat -naf inet

        The rows ending with 'LISTEN' are the interesting ones. If the 'Proto' field says 'tcp' and the 'Local Address' field says '*.80', for example, look in the file /etc/services for the service that runs on TCP port 80. In this example, you will see the service is HTTP, so you are probably running a web server. If you know you are running X and you want to see what is visible outside of your machine, I guess you need to find another box where you can run a port scanning utility like nmap.

      2. By vincent labrecque () on

        you have to start X with the -notcp option so it doesn't listen to the 600X port.

        1. By f4gbl4st3r () on

          dude port specification isnt hexodecemal i dont think 600X will cut it try 24576 (that is decemal for 600X if i remember my arithmetic from today) but even better yet try rtfm the manual (man services(4)) before you post to someone about how to go finding ports in system directories



          -notcp can be confuseing dont forget bsds flexibility you can use -cp 0 or if a config file it is then !cp (like pf.rules)

          1. By emcis () on

            I think he meant that X11 listens on port 6000 (600X where X=a whole number, because he wasn't sure how many ports beyond 6000 it may run on).

      3. By f4gbl4st3r () on

        cd /usr/ports/X11/.X11-unix/ & make & make install

        worked on my boxen (but you gotta have artran installed first thou, i think it's in comp.tgz)


        1. By armenian cowboy () on

          [ac@localhost ~] cd /usr/ports/X11/.X11-unix/ & make & make install
          artran 10.2.1 is required.

          I think you are command is right!!! Arttran is a cool language and Xwin86 uses it!!

          I think?!

    2. By hello () no i have none on are my gui ports oepn by default?

      i am just finished installed openbsd. how are the x11 ports open? am i to see /usr/ports/X11/.X11-unix ? but it is not. any help could provide is nice. thank you.

  4. By Christopher Hylarides () on

    Considering that OpenSSH is free and (pretty much) equivalent in functionality to the commercial version (without the bugs, and a few patented algorithms) there really is no reason not to go with OpenSSH. Can anyone tell me the real BIG differences between deploying the commercial ssh client and server versus OpenSSH and, say an excellent free client such as PuTTY?

    1. By jesse s. () on

      the only substantial difference is that, with commercial ssh, you get support.
      commercial ssh is bullshit, why wait on the phone for hours on end to talk to some cookie-cutter technician? if you can read, you can use openssh ... it's a great piece of software, glad to see it becoming standard.

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