Contributed by Dengue on from the call-for-testers dept.
Subject: snapshots
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 01:44:11 -0700
From: Theo de Raadt
(Comments are closed)
OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by Dengue on from the call-for-testers dept.
Subject: snapshots
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 01:44:11 -0700
From: Theo de Raadt
(Comments are closed)
Copyright © - Daniel Hartmeier. All rights reserved. Articles and comments are copyright their respective authors, submission implies license to publish on this web site. Contents of the archive prior to as well as images and HTML templates were copied from the fabulous original with Jose's and Jim's kind permission. This journal runs as CGI with httpd(8) on OpenBSD, the source code is BSD licensed. undeadly \Un*dead"ly\, a. Not subject to death; immortal. [Obs.]
By Ryan Cooley () on
The reasons I had to switch? Purely mutimedia oriented. Ogle uses up too much CPU power without MMX optimizations in my opinion, but I was willing to let it suck up the power I could have been using elsewhere... Mplayer, Avifile, Xine, XMPS, none would work without the MMX[2] instructions, so I was stuck without my precious Divx, & Asf formats. Also, Linux binary support was so bad as of 3.0 that Opera couldn't resolve DNS names for some reason (going through a proxy on worked) and RealPlayer had no audio, and again no network contact.
Finally, Netscape 4.75 was just shortly freezing up so often, and crashing so much that I couldn't stand it anymore. Opera isn't a great browser, and Mozilla hasn't yet been ported to OpenBSD.
Abiword was once working, and I could stand using that, even though I would have prefered StarOffice to run without locking-up, but that Abiword port died in 3.0.
PThreads were an incredible annoyance. I would have to strip dozens of PTh references out of simple programs like Dillo just to get it to work... And I just couldn't put up with patching up every application because at the end of it all, it just might not even work (which is why I never got around to trying to compile OpenOffice)
USB support has always been buggy for me. All I have to get working with USB right now is a dumb little mouse. The light on the optical mouse glows right along until USB devices are detected by the OpenBSD kernel, then the light goes out. The end, nothing to it. ETC.
Finally, the base of the whole system, XFree86, would just not cooperate. XF86 4+ is harder to get working on FreeBSD, but once it is working, it doesn't freeze up, lose the keyboard, lose the mouse, etc. On OpenBSD, all these problems and more.
For a server, OpenBSD is the best without a doubt, but on the workstation, it just doesn't work well with multimedia.
By A. Vije () on
I think that sentence sums it all up quite well. I, myself, would like to run OpenBSD on every server i have to manage. But on desktops, it works, it`s nice, but it takes a lot of work to make it to a nice workstation.
For this count`s the same as Linux, the platform is extremely good and stable, but the amount and support of applications on *nix is lacking.
A. Vije
Unix Engineer
By Gustavo () on
www: opera works for me, konqueror works for me(bloody ages to compile) and mozilla linux bin works with recent -current
abiword: I'm using lyx and moving to emacs...
pthread: you should track cvs-changes@
xf86: works for me
By anonymous cowherd () on
!!!!! yes, pleez, do it now!
By Ray () on
By 3r33t h4x0r () on http://OUR TEAM SITE IS C0MING S00N!!####!!!!
--3r337 h4x0r
By Gioffreus () on
By Elite Hacker () on Our Team Page is Coming Forthwith
I do ask of your kind forgiveness in this language matter in which I certainly play the rogue. It is with the changing of the seasons that I, (name witheld), finalised my arduous decision regarding the matter of my current professional and lesiourly membership affairs. Since the young chap I was at the tender age of 35, I have since been quite taken with the "Hacker" community. Brothers are born and die, empires grow, and they fall (God bless the Queen), though some communities, groups, and affiliations may truly last millenia. Witness the beauty of the Isle I call home, witness the resolve and strength (though brutish) of the Scottish lords and folk. It has long confused my orphaned intellect as to precisely where I belonged. Not wanting to associate with rogues such as are common among organizations prevalent in the surrounding boroughs, it was many years ago that I discovered the inner peace that could be brought to my soul through what has been recently described as the "Beauty of the Baud" existing in the World of the electron and the switch. I am of course gallantly referring to The Internet , and, tangentially: the whole of modern technological civilization. Perhaps throughout the coming generations, the landscape of Hacker lore will feature a King Henry; someone strong and uniting, or perhaps a William Bruce; someone willing to defy his rulers and forge a path through evil with righteousness, with his folk and bretheren. From these strong convictions, historical lessons, personal hopes and dreams, a fountainhead has been forged in the fire of my heart... a spring that drives me to the technological. It is for these reasons and loves that my pen does oft live a life of its own. I my mind in absentia, replacing (somewhat haphazardly I might add!) an 'e' with a seemingly more technological '3', or substituting ye olde 'a' with what can only be described as sheer linear beauty... the number '4'
. I shall close by wishing all of you well and good cheers for this new year 2002, and an implicit recognition of the need for reason in this world. Why how fair would it be for your question, Gioff, to be answered in, what would in American English be referred to as, a "gobbledeygook" series of numbers and letters?
It is with an open digital heart I leave for the night, good eve to all.
Elite Hacker
By Anonymous Coward () on
--f4g bl4st3r
By Cindy () on
Or do you mean 1st grade as in school?
-- Cindy
By Cindy () on
-- Cindy
By fansipans () on
vindaloo mutants!!! yes! rock out to the red dwarf =]
*closing apology for off-topic post*
p.s. whatever happenned to *not reading* posts which are immature? this is reminiscent of the reaction to pornography of many people "BAN IT BAN IT!" "STOP THE PORN!" when it is actually TRUE that you aren't FORCED to go into a porno shop. so please. if you don't like it, don't read it. and if you think it's immature then DON'T RESPOND TO IT. YOU WILL ONLY ENCOURAGE IT. and of course, if you like red dwarf, ROCK OUT!
By Cindy () on
And just for you fansipans, since you are one of the few poeple, I respect that post messages here. I will do my best not to post non-immature stuff. So, this could be my last post. I like to think that I brought some humor, and thought proken stuff to many of my past posts. If any of them offend or bother any of it's readers, I apologize. And when and if I post any more messages, I will make sure I have not been dating Mr. Daniels or his brother Mr. Bean. And Mr. Bean was not (but still is funny) Rowan Atikns, best work. Black Adder, was much better. Even the Thin Blue Line was good.
So fansipans, with all due respect, you are one of the great smeggers. Smeg on....
Also, rats should be allowed to wander free in Alberta. Freedom to the rats of Alberta.
By fansipans () on
but with regards to Ray's post of:
With all these recent Anonymous Coward postings with dumb 1st grade satire,
would it be possible to enforce some sort of ip-block identification, just
to see if it's the same retard posting again and again?
which started this thread, i think Ray's silly for saying "gee i just HAD to read this person's post and i'm SO mad that they wasted my time." instead of exercising his ability to skip to another post, he's going to lobby to REVOKE all abilities a given ip address has to this system (please forgive if this is incoherent it's 4am where i am). i was thinking about some longwinded response to senor Ray, but then kept it short to reduce possible (haha) risk of a flamewar, but since i've discovered another red dwarf fan (pulls out junior astronomy almanac...reads...pauses....turns page....reads) ... i've felt my time discussing more schtuff here isn't lost. but please, by all means...feel free to post crap, dengue is free to delete it, and i'm free to ignore it i want =D. WOOT.
--senor pantalones fanciamentes
By fansipans () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
p.s. an easy solution to this (to prevent my wildly meanie acts of mean-ness) would be to DIGITULLY sign your messages mister fansipans, and then people like me wouldn't be able to get away with acts of goofy cowardness such as the for which i am now apologizing
Anonymous Coward
By Anonymous Cowardon () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By jcs () on
> doubt, but on the workstation, it just doesn't
> work well with multimedia.
Maybe you should get back to "work" on your "workstation" and stop watching movies. There's a difference between a workstation and a home PC. OpenBSD works perfectly as my workstation, which I use daily to perform my job (programming, system administration, etc.).
By Ryan Cooley () on
By fansipans () on
I will now add 10 leetness points to my running total for differentiating between "the internet" and "the web", then disparagingly (sic?) commenting on 'the web'.
By blue () on
Programs are usful, you get to use konqueror, and there's minimal bloat and much better starting times.
You have to run kdeinit on startup somehow, I just use a script as the wm instead of the fluxbox executable:
kdeinit &
By fansipans () on
FluxBox Sourceforge page
Some Nice Screenshots
By Ryan Cooley () on
Secondly, I wonder how much extra memory and CPU cycles KDEINIT is sucking up. Would you care to inform me? I admit never considering Konqueror as an option because of my GTK centric nature, and despising anything that needlessly sucks up extra CPU cycles (i.e. anything from KDE). I've made a small bit of an excpeption for Mozilla in exchange for much more stability (IMPORTANT!), responsiveness, functionality, et al.
By mike () on
If you value the underlying values of OpenBSD then you put up with the unstable stuff, and make do with what you can get. If the unstable stuff bothers you, file bug reports, get on the mailing lists, help make it more stable. Running away to another BSD, or Linux, or Windows, doesn't help make OpenBSD any better. And that "it takes work" is a strange thing to hear for opensource fans. Of course it takes work. Isn't that why we use it?
San Francisco OpenBSD Users Group
By Ryan Cooley () on
I've done the 'support your OS' thing, but I'm just sick of the struggle, so I defected for my desktop needs. I'll happily come back when the situation improves.
By Ryan Cooley () on
I've done the 'support your OS' thing, but I'm just sick of the struggle, so I defected for my desktop needs. I'll happily come back when the situation improves.
By Anonymous Coward () on
> The reasons I had to switch? Purely mutimedia oriented
There is a TV to watch videos, you know...
The word "computer" derives from "compute", not from "compensate for the lack of things to watch on television".
> Abiword was once working
And still is. Using it on my OpenBSD-current workstation.
> Netscape 4.75 ...
Netscape freezes under all operating systems, and so does Internet Explorer in Windows. Millions of people still manage somehow to browse the web. Opera5 works great for me, I don't know why you don't like it. Most of the time I use Konqueror anyway. And Mozilla... I hope it will never get ported to OpenBSD. I honestly believe that all that hype about the Mozilla project will eventually die peacefully and so will the Mozilla itself. How many years exactly are they trying to produce a stable release ?
Headlines: "Mozilla team greets the year of 2005 with their release of mozilla- milestone! We are getting closer and closer to the release of mozilla-1.0 every year! The lizard shall be free!"
> All I have to get working with USB right now is a dumb little mouse
PS/2 mice worked fine for years, why would you need to use specifically USB mouse now? To increase the performance? Get a USB-PS/2 adapter for you mouse, most USB mice come with them anyway. I guess next trend will be to sell firewire mice.
> XFree86... freeze up...
Huh? I use it every day for at least 4 hours, so let's not spread the BS about X freezing up or loosing some mouse...
By Gioffreus () on
> Huh? I use it every day for at least 4 hours,
... and I use it all the time! X has been up for 4 days at present. It never hiccups or gives any problem. The longest I've had X running was 10 days. This is version: 4.1.0 on OBSD 3.0 patch branch. arch is x86 .
Anyway, OpenBSD makes a perfect workstation for me. Granted, I personally have no use for multimedia stuff on computers. Konqueror is a perfect browser for my needs. I also use Netscape on occasion, but that is rare.
I don't have any USB stuff. In fact, all those USB things were the first things I disabled when I reconfigured/recompiled my kernel...
By haver () on
My X at work has uptimes of 100 days or more, without ever breaking a sweat. I've been running 2.7-3.0 on it and NEVER had any trouble.
Ergo, stop this nonsense about X being unstable.
By Will Stevenson () on
You fucking X users...
All about the fluff.
See Also:
sh(1), screen(1), nmh(1), lynx(1), et al...
By Gioffreus () on
window(1), a screen(1)-ish kind of program, works quite well for me. I don't use it much, but it's there when I need it. Anyway, the VTs are a bit limited in the amount of text that fits on them while still being readable.
80x25 is fine. 80x50? I can't read it. OTOH, having my xterms set at 80x40 for default just lets me get more done, but I usually do most of my work @ at least 100x40 or 110x50. Those are especially good sizes for using lynx/links.
So, what's sh/pdksh got to do with what anyone has said here? Just curious... Yes, sh and friends; it is UNIX. What else would we use? Anyway, X is good. X is not fluff.
By R.C. () on
Besides, XF86 will run forever just fine, it's when it's been running for 6 hours, I come back (type in XLock pass) and X has lost the mouse. I wish it was just my system but it's happened extensively with 2.9, 3.0 & -current. Don't recall any problems with 2.8 (before the switch to wsmouse) but I hadn't been using it very long before 2.9 came around. The wsmouse switch brought about a couple others annoyances so that may very well be the problem. But I digress.
By Geezer () on
kern.version = OpenBSD 2.8-current (GENERIC) #513: Tue Feb 6 22:25:36 MST 2001
3:40PM up 352 days, 19:58, 19 users, load averages: 0.12, 0.11, 0.08
#ps auxww | grep X
root 12709 0.0 0.0 412 12 C0 IW+ 8Mar01 0:00.01 /bin/sh /usr/X11R6/bin/startx /usr/X11R6/bin/startx /usr/X11R6/bin/startx
root 4141 0.0 0.0 48 12 C0 IW+ 8Mar01 0:00.02 xinit /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc -bpp 24 --
root 6361 0.0 11.0 12804 7136 ?? S 8Mar01 378:43.22 /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 (XF86_Mach64)
root 26498 0.0 0.0 312 140 C0 IW 8Mar01 0:20.83 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm/FvwmPager 7 4 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm/.fvwmrc 0 8 0 0
Hmmm, my 2.8 snapshot from about a year ago has stayed up for ever. I use X on it every day, almost all day. Never exit X. Never use Xlock. Netscape browsing, and xterms, mostly. Now Netscape gets all bolluxed every so often, maybe once a month, and I have to exit or kill all the Netscape processes, but it has worked for me. Don't have a similar story to relate for a 3.0 yet.
if I grep /var/run/dmesg.boot for wsm I get
wsmouse0 at pmsi0 mux 0
By Geezer () on
kern.version = OpenBSD 3.0 (GENERIC) #94: Thu Oct 18 14:48:27 MDT 2001
4:22PM up 124 days, 11 mins, 7 users, load averages: 0.23, 0.13, 0.09
#ps auxww | grep X
root 25321 0.0 0.1 140 352 p3 S+ 4:23PM 0:00.01 grep X
root 10315 0.0 0.1 408 300 C0 I+ 23Oct01 0:00.01 /bin/sh /usr/X11R6/bin/startx
root 1408 0.0 0.2 48 604 C0 I+ 23Oct01 0:00.01 xinit /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc --
root 10509 0.0 7.3 15204 19188 ?? S 23Oct01 15:26.34 X :0 (XFree86)
root 963 0.0 0.1 408 300 C0 I 23Oct01 0:00.01 sh /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc
root 1893 0.0 0.3 92 704 C0 I 23Oct01 0:00.11 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm/FvwmPager 7 4 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm/.fvwmrc 0 8 0 0
Here is another system, pre 3.0 snapshot, same story. X doesn't crash, never use Xlock, Netscape runs without crashes (not used as much).
By Anonymous Coward () on
I honestly believe that all that hype about the Mozilla project will eventually die peacefully and so will the Mozilla itself. How many years exactly are they trying to produce a stable release ?
Less time than it took to produce Netscape 2.0 from the Mosaic codebase. And don't forget that the best part of a year was wasted on the old codebase before the *complete* rewrite began. Also don't forget the massive number of features compared to any other browser out there.
I switched one of my machines from OpenBSD to Net at the last Mozilla milestone, since someone built a Net binary. And I have to say that Mozilla is a pleasure to use as a browser, mail client and newsreader. A serious amount of thought has gone into the interface design and configuration options.
As for when it will be completed, that's a subjective issue. Netscape have forked the tree a t several points and released 'branded' versions, while the Mozilla team works toward a more extensive set of features.
By Paul () on
By Hannah () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
I did, here is what I know:
If you have an interface that is classified as a de, just copy /etc/ to /etc/hostname.dc? before you try an (U)pgrade.
I tried ftping the bsd.rd snapshot down to / and then rebooting and entering at the boot> boot hd0a:/bsd.rd. It boots as if you booted the kernel from the CD.
I found that the particular PC, an old 150Mhz P3, had trouble with the dc driver. I kept getting dc1: watchdog timeout errors (in blue) and could not get any thing to go in or out of that interface.
So I rebooted and entered at the boot> boot hd0a:/bsd.rd -c and at the UKC> prompt entered diaable dc, then quit, and it booted up, did an FTP upgrade which went just fine.
You have to either configure the kernel or remember to do the boot> -c ; disable dc to use the machine.
Also, this particular PC didn't run the MAKEDEV script properly at the end of the Upgrade. Had to power down the PC, reboot and manually run sh MAKEDEV in /dev.
Don't recall if using dhcp to configure the interface worked, it didn't when the dc driver was used, but I think that was just the dc driver not working.
This thread is kind of old, I don't know if anyone will even notice this.
By nate () on
By Ken Westerback () on
.... Ken
By Tom () on