Contributed by Dengue on from the communication-tools dept.
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by Dengue on from the communication-tools dept.
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Copyright © - Daniel Hartmeier. All rights reserved. Articles and comments are copyright their respective authors, submission implies license to publish on this web site. Contents of the archive prior to as well as images and HTML templates were copied from the fabulous original with Jose's and Jim's kind permission. This journal runs as CGI with httpd(8) on OpenBSD, the source code is BSD licensed. undeadly \Un*dead"ly\, a. Not subject to death; immortal. [Obs.]
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Tim () on
it is btw a cool program for linux (and for bsd and for...)
be happy it is in the news, so more and more people will use it, even when their running linux
By Anonymous Coward () on
By aasmund () aasmund at godal dot com on mailto:aasmund at godal dot com
By baldusi () on
By rick () on
that work and fine tune the Form1 Grand prix
racing autos.
-unfortunately, no one I know runs OB; even after
they have to re-install Windows for the 1000th time ..from a virus, or whatever. It'll take some time to gel. all you can do is show em again.
-I agree, for all OB does it is Great.; as the man says "proactively secure" nevermind the dongle balls anyway.
By rick () on
come, but shouldn't, at the expense of any less security.
...sounding like pollytician -goin' to bed.
Congrats to Openeverything.
By seth arnold () on
In short, I decided it would probably be easier to learn OpenSSL through the OpenSSH source code. I practically cried when I saw how *pretty* the OpenSSH source code is!
If you want to see art, take a look at OpenSSH source.
Many thanks to the OpenSSH team. :)
By jose nazario () on
By Mathias Schmocker () on
I learned a lot by reading OpenBSD kernel code and the related man pages.
The OpenBSD coding standards are a paramount example on how to write clean, understandable and maintenable code.