Contributed by Dengue on from the why dept.
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by Dengue on from the why dept.
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Copyright © - Daniel Hartmeier. All rights reserved. Articles and comments are copyright their respective authors, submission implies license to publish on this web site. Contents of the archive prior to as well as images and HTML templates were copied from the fabulous original with Jose's and Jim's kind permission. This journal runs as CGI with httpd(8) on OpenBSD, the source code is BSD licensed. undeadly \Un*dead"ly\, a. Not subject to death; immortal. [Obs.]
By Grant Bayley () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
I love the simplicity of BSD's rc.boot/rc/rc.local system. It's clean and obvious, and it leaves room for administrator customization.
By contrast, the rc.d system is a bitch to customize or maintain, so much in fact that I despise Linux for that (although Red Hat has an rc.local - or whatever it's called - but Debian definitely does not).
Hearing that some other BSDs had started to adopt that system worried me but, for Christ's sake, DON'T mess up OpenBSD with this stuff! Hopefully, Theo will refuse to adopt it for the real distribution...
By Anonymous Coward () on
Would be something kewl to see in /usr/ports..
By Cindy () on
But lets not have another ipfilter, netfilter, etc, etc, debate. That got really silly towards the end.
By Aristotelis () on
As far as I have read at the misc@openbsd
the OpenBSD developpers don't want to have the
rc.d structure. I won't argue with that ..
but if someone wants he can have the scripts
and change the system on his own.
Choosing your way and doing it your way
is one of the good things about Open Source
Software, but if the system with the patches
doesn't word don't blame the developers ..
after all they gave us a clean robust system
that DOES work!
By bsdfreak () on
If you do not understand how BAD the current rc system is (with /etc/rc and /etc/rc.local) then I doubt you would be in a position to criticize the rc.d architecture currently in use on NetBSD. It is totally unlike that used by SVR4 or even Linux.
IMHO, the prize for the best rc.d still goes to HP-UX, where tunable parameters for rc scripts live in a different place to the scripts themselves.
So how is all this of benefit you ask ?
If you install a port and it wants to add a daemon, how does it do it in a seemless fashion? What about when you remove that port? Can you ever gaurantee that any scripted editing of a file such as /etc/rc.local will work, especially if it depends on other things starting first? And so on.
The old BSD rc system has served its time, now it's time to move on. Maybe the crusty old core developers need to be replaced with more progressive thinkers or will OpenBSD become "OldBSD"? Of course, it may just be that the NetBSD rc.d will be rejected because it came from NetBSD...but there are moves afoot for it to get into FreeBSD too, so hopefully the dreaded NIH syndrome won't apply.
By cicero () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
Could anyone explain:
I would really appreciate