OpenBSD Journal

a New OpenBSD poster and T-shirt available

Contributed by Dengue on from the New-STuff! dept.

Sal writes : "I just wanted to let everyone know that a new poster and t-shirt is on display at for your pleasure. Let's show our support to the OpenBSD team by purchasing one of these cool items."

(Comments are closed)

  1. By jurg () on

    why not a desktop theme ????? , most of our machines won't ever run OpenBSD and in this case we can at least use them for propagada. :)

  2. By Frank DENIS () on

    The 2.8 baby shirt for girls was an excellent idea. I have two pieces, and I like the way they were cut (and the color is nice, too) .
    More girly shirts would be excellent. And maybe real baby shirts (for babies), like that one .

  3. By grumpy old man () on

    Is it just me or does the order page @ need to be updated? I can't seem to find the new items there...


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