Contributed by Dengue on from the bleh dept.
Linux Today is carrying ssh(R) trademark issues: comments and proposal containing Tatu's proposal for solution.
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by Dengue on from the bleh dept.
Linux Today is carrying ssh(R) trademark issues: comments and proposal containing Tatu's proposal for solution.
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Copyright © - Daniel Hartmeier. All rights reserved. Articles and comments are copyright their respective authors, submission implies license to publish on this web site. Contents of the archive prior to as well as images and HTML templates were copied from the fabulous original with Jose's and Jim's kind permission. This journal runs as CGI with httpd(8) on OpenBSD, the source code is BSD licensed. undeadly \Un*dead"ly\, a. Not subject to death; immortal. [Obs.]
By Alex Hochberger () on
It gets worse. You call your application SSH, which is fine. You can probably use the license to argue that right. However, calling your product OpenSSH which is based on an earlier version of SSH is very confusing. It would NOT be clear to people that they are separate and incompatible products.
You are going to lose that fight.
He is enforcing his trademarks. Once it became clear that you were causing confusion, he enforced. I think that a court of law would agree with that.
Furthermore, the license and the enforcement is NOT a binary characteristic, it's a area for legal evaluation. Trademarks are supposed to prevent confusion in commerce. Given a company built around a technology and trademark, and a Canadian based group intent on destroying their revenue stream with a free product, who do you think the American Court will side with? This isn't corporate control of the country, this is trademarks needing to prevent confusion in the marketplace.
Don't be a jerk, leave the guy's business alone.
Settle the following:
application names can remain ssh, sshd
Project name changed to OpenSecSH. OpenSSH domain name retained to point to OpenSecSH.
You lose nothing. Continue this fight, and you're going to get screwed.
By ThomasJ () thomasj at superusers dot dk on mailto:thomasj at superusers dot dk
But, if OpenSSH should change its name, I would like for Tatu Ylonen to appologise and excuse the confusion it brought, that he did not clearly stated from the start what would be the correct use of the term ssh, to us, to IETF, and to the general public.
By dmp () on
There is another problem here. Tatu has *NOT* previously enforced his trademark and the original license implies that you can use the name ssh if you code is conforms to the standard. In the USA, you need to consistently and uniformly protect your trademark or it may be invalidated. There is the issue of whether you can trademark a command name, and I really don't know whether you can or not. Tatu suddenly decides that he want's all the executable names changes, I'm sorry, I don't think the US courts would look kindly at his sudden interest in the trademark of ssh.
I think Tatu should get a bottle of Finlandia, relax and get over it. He made his mistake long ago, he can't make up for it now.
By Iain () on
From reading a bit I preceive that ssh is a generic name since it is the tool to do the work. But my simple answer is change the name and be done with it.
So what should the new name be? My answer is Secure Session Protocol or SSP for short. So the new name is OpenSSP and let the Value Added Retailers, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Caldera, RedHat, Suse, Slackware, Debian, and more, add symbolic links to ssp and sspd.
This all said the OpenSSH team should change their name to OpenSSP. Also do not trademark the ssp and sspd as names and let every other Comercial, Open Source or Free project use these names. Only trademark or register OpenSSP. Now it will be remembered as SSP. Hence the title or part of a title of a new O'Reilly book on Security.
By for now. All the best if the plan is to go the rounds.
By Bill Schaub () on
have taken leave of all of his senses and not backing down from this issue. I really believe that this will hurt his company more than it will
help it because many people atleast in the open source community will change to OpenSSH simply because they dont like Tatu's new politics. just my two cents worth.