OpenBSD Journal

b2k16 hackathon report: Daniel Jakots on forward strides in python ports

Contributed by pitrh on from the puff and py slithering forward dept.

The next b2k16 hackathon report comes from Daniel Jakots, who writes:

This was my second hackathon (after p2k16). I was looking forward to it as I had a really great time in Nantes.
The week before the hackathon I worked on the py-setuptools update. I wanted to update it before the hackathon so in case of any problems, I was sure to be available to fix them. Most of the python ports depend on this software, so it's quite critical. Two python ports broke with this update but fixing them was simple. It was finally committed on Saturday so I was ready for the hackathon.

In Budapest, I spend nearly all my time on python ports. I updated a bunch of low hanging fruits found with portroach. I finally committed the update for py-flask that I did back in June because it wasn't committed at the time for some reasons. I spend a bit of time to update scapy. Scapy is used in a bunch of OpenBSD regress tests so it's good to have it up to date.

A year ago, I tried to add some python3 flavors to net/py-ripe.atlas.*. I sent diffs to add the flavor to the dependencies and for these ports. The diffs for the dependencies went in but the diffs for py-ripe.atlas weren't committed. Florian@ (the maintainer) sent a couple of diffs to update the ports and some dependencies to a newer version. I reviewed them and took another shot at adding the py3 flavor. This time, it went in.

During the week, I had the occasion to talk with other hackers I usually don't talk to, so it was great to meet each others. This week was really cool and as usual I'm looking forward the next hackathon. Thanks to all who made it possible!

Thank you for the report and the fine ports work, Daniel!

Update: Daniel has also written a blog post about the hackathon which expands somewhat on this report.

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