OpenBSD Journal

LLVM/Clang imported into -current

Contributed by rueda on from the Q: What's that clanging? A: The future. dept.

LLVM Core and Clang (C/C++/Objective-C compiler) of the LLVM Project have been imported into -current.

Pascal Stumpf (pascal@) committed the addition:

Module name:	src
Changes by:	2016/09/03 16:47:02

Log message:
    Use the space freed up by sparc and zaurus to import LLVM.
    ok hackroom@
    Vendor Tag:	LLVM
    Release Tags:	LLVM_3_8_1
    N src/gnu/llvm/Makefile.common
    N src/gnu/llvm/
    N src/gnu/llvm/configure
    N src/gnu/llvm/LICENSE.TXT
    N src/gnu/llvm/README.txt
    [around 12500 lines elided]

(This follows a clarification of the description of the src/gnu/ directory.)

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Ilyas Bakirov ( on

    Good work, 1+

  2. By kraileth ( on

    That's totally awesome! Modernizing the compiler was something that I hoped for quite a while. Newer C/C++ standards usable with a compiler in the base system is great. And this will surely also benefit the work on the ARM architecture. Let's see when the old GCC can be retired at least for the more common architectures. Less GNU in BSD is always a good thing - whatever directory the source lives in! ;)

  3. By J ( on

    Is the migration to Clang prompting the removal of "obsolete" platforms?

    1. By Sebastian Rother ( on

      > Is the migration to Clang prompting the removal of "obsolete" platforms?

      I think this is likely except they keep again serval "Compilers" to support also old Hardware.

      For now it seams they port back Changes from Bitrig. Which is no critic but it could have been done earlier.. :)


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