OpenBSD Journal

Support for zaurus platform discontinued

Contributed by rueda on from the pruning dept.

Support for the zaurus platform has been removed from -current.

Philip Guenther (guenther@) committed the change:

Module name:	src
Changes by:	2016/09/03 07:37:46


Log message:
Retire zaurus, as it hasn't made the EABI jump and will be permanently broken
shortly when we use the hardware thread register in userland

(This follows the recent removal of support for the sparc[32] platform.)

(Comments are closed)

  1. By frk ( on

    "One of my most productive days was throwing away 1,000 lines of code." - Ken Thompson

    (however, I am still unable to find the original source of this quote; the first BOOK mentioning it, without reference, is probably E. Raymond - The Art of UNIX Programming from 2003)

  2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    The free space will be utilized effectively

    1. By almeida (almeida) on

      > The free space will be utilized effectively

      Any idea why LLVM ended up as src/gnu/llvm?

      1. By Marc Espie (espie) on

        > Any idea why LLVM ended up as src/gnu/llvm?

        Mostly because we didn't want a new toplevel srcdir for big things.

        Note that perl already lives there even though it's obviously under the Autistic licence by OpenLSD standards.

        1. By sebastian Rother ( on

          > > Any idea why LLVM ended up as src/gnu/llvm?
          > Mostly because we didn't want a new toplevel srcdir for big things.
          > Note that perl already lives there even though it's obviously under the Autistic licence by OpenLSD standards.

          Whcih i critisized since it's confusing..... I asked about WHAT license was choosen some years ago. Is it realy so hard to add a directory? :-/

          For me it was confusing and I was not alone....

          Btw: Are you incorporating Changes from Bitrig? They once made similiar Changes and porting could be likely easier.

          1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

            > Whcih i critisized since it's confusing..... I asked about WHAT license was choosen some years ago. Is it realy so hard to add a directory? :-/
            > For me it was confusing and I was not alone....
            > Btw: Are you incorporating Changes from Bitrig? They once made similiar Changes and porting could be likely easier.

            You are confused easily... Let me add to that gnu is not what you think, in this context it now stands for "Gigantic and Nasty but

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