OpenBSD Journal

mandoc-1.13.4 released

Contributed by pitrh on from the man up the man pages, dude dept.

Ingo Schwarze wrote in about the new mandoc release,

From: Ingo Schwarze <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 16:48:20 +0200
Subject: mandoc-1.13.4 released


mandoc = mdocml 1.13.4 is now publicly available from <>.

After more than a year of development since 1.13.3, this is a regular maintenance release, fixing many bugs. This release contains almost the same mandoc code as the upcoming OpenBSD 6.0 release. Upgrading is recommended for all downstream projects.

There are also some new features. In particular,

  • the man.conf(5) file format has been simplified
  • when using less(1), you can now jump to various internal targets like command line options, internal commands, environment variables, and command modifiers using the :t (tag) command inside less
  • a soelim(1) implementation by Baptiste Daroussin is included
  • for privilege limitation, OpenBSD pledge(2) or OS X sandbox_init(3) are used when available
  • man.cgi(8) now supports short URIs like
  • one unified stylesheet is used rather than three different ones

See <> for more details about fixed bugs and new features.

Thanks to Baptiste Daroussin, Anthony Bentley, and Todd Miller for code contributions, Jonathan Gray for yet more testing with afl(1), and Svyatoslav Mishyn and Sevan Janiyan for extensive release testing. Many others sent in patches, reported bugs, suggested features, and helped with testing, see the NEWS file for a full list.

It seems likely that this will be the last release needing SQLite for database support. I have started work on removing the dependency on SQLite without loss of functionality and without needing any replacement, relying on POSIX interfaces only. So it is likely that we will have a 1.14.1 release this autumn that no longer needs SQLite. Then again, if there is substantial demand, i might maintain the 1.13 branch for some time in parallel.

Thanks for the work and writing in about it, Ingo! As the announcement says, this code is very close to what will be in the upcoming OpenBSD 6.0 release.

(Comments are closed)


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