Contributed by pitrh on from the After the goat BOF dept.
Reyk Flöter: An OpenFlow implementation for OpenBSD - Introducing switchd(8) and more about SDN (slides)
Henning Brauer: Running an ISP on OpenBSD - Why OpenBSD and several uncommon uses of it (slides)
Peter Hessler: Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) implementation and support in OpenBSD. Or: A new protocol actually did improve our routing. (slides)
Mike Belopuhov: Implementation of Xen PVHVM drivers in OpenBSD (slides)
Antoine Jacoutot: OpenBSD rc.d(8) (slides)
Sebastian Benoit: Opensource Routing - Running an enterprise network on OpenBSD (slides)
In addition, two OpenBSD-centric tutorials were offered by people who are not themselves OpenBSD developers:
Peter Hansteen: Building The Network You Need With PF, The OpenBSD Packet Filter (slides)
Aaron Poffenberger: OpenSMTPD for the Real World (slides)
(Comments are closed)
By Rob ( on
By Ilyas Bakirov ( on
just download it as raw format and rename it to 371_switchd-slides-bsdcan2016.pdf :)
By Just Another OpenBSD User ( on
Congratulations on another BSD conference with live video streaming!
The list of OpenBSD papers can be found in section:
Presentations: BSDCan 2016
[OpenBSD Presentations and Papers]
The list of full videos of the talks is uploaded here:
Playlist: BSDCan 2016
[BSDCan #13, June 2016]
By Yogurt ( on
> Congratulations on another BSD conference with live video streaming!
> The list of OpenBSD papers can be found in section:
> Presentations: BSDCan 2016
> [OpenBSD Presentations and Papers]
> The list of full videos of the talks is uploaded here:
> Playlist: BSDCan 2016
> [BSDCan #13, June 2016]
Thanks for the videos link, but is there any plan to carve up the day long videos? Perhaps annotations can be added for specific talk times?
By Just Another OpenBSD User ( on
Click "show more" in a JS enabled browser for timecode index in each video. Note, this is not the complete conference, apparently the OpenBSD talks are missing from the play list.
Please contact the conference web site [BSDCan 2016] for feedback.
By phessler (phessler) on
> Playlist: BSDCan 2016
> [BSDCan #13, June 2016]
The videos are just from the live stream, which I believe was only for the big room. All of the other talks were recorded, but are not yet online. We'll post a new story once they are available.