OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD Foundation Announces Gold Sponsor

Contributed by tj on from the duck-duck-going-to-the-bank dept.

OpenBSD Foundation director Ken Westerback (krw@) writes in with some great news:

The OpenBSD Foundation is happy to announce that DuckDuckGo has become the first Gold level contributor to the 2016 fundraising campaign.

This donation is part DuckDuckGo's annual initiative to help fund free and open source projects based on nominations from their community.

Not only is it great to hear that companies are giving back to the project, but also that OpenBSD was nominated by DDG users. A big thanks to them and their community!

Donations to the OpenBSD Foundation can be made on the donations page, and they can be contacted regarding corporate sponsorship at

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    Very nice seeing them give back.
    Only right for me to reciprocate. Search engine switched

  2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    I've been using DDG since 2011, it just gets better and better and now this.. Brilliant. Thanks DuckDuckGo!

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