OpenBSD Journal

AsiaBSDCon OpenBSD papers

Contributed by tj on from the nihon-ni-ikitai-ne dept.

This year's AsiaBSDCon has come to an end, with a number of OpenBSD-related talks being presented. Two developers were also invited to the smaller "bhyvecon" event to discuss vmm(4) and future plans.

  • Antoine Jacoutot (ajacoutot@) - OpenBSD rc.d(8) (slides | paper)
  • Henning Brauer (henning@) - Running an ISP on OpenBSD (slides)
  • Mike Belopuhov (mikeb@) - Implementation of Xen PVHVM drivers in OpenBSD (slides | paper)
  • Mike Belopuhov (mikeb@) - OpenBSD project status update (slides)
  • Mike Larkin (mlarkin@) - OpenBSD vmm Update (slides)
  • Reyk Floeter (reyk@) - OpenBSD vmd Update (slides)

    Videos will likely be uploaded later on. And finally, you can usually find most of the OpenBSD-related presentations at Future conferences can also be seen at

  • (Comments are closed)

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      I love you guys. ALL OF YOU!

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        Indeed. Some really cool stuff is listed under future plans on the vmm/vmd slides:

        VM templates 
              –vmctl run firefox 
                 •Boots firefox in a VM  
                 •Filesystem passthrough with whitelist 
                          Eg, to let firefox access host ~/.mozilla 
                 •Forwarded display, isolated network 
        VM migration 
              – vmctl send “myvm” | ssh vmctl receive

        There's more, too...

    2. By Just Another OpenBSD User ( on

      Thank you for the papers as ever explaining the code advances, very exciting work progress! Must have been lots of fun, sadly missed the live streaming, anybody care for links to the recorded videos?

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