OpenBSD Journal

Linux Emulation goes to the great bitbucket of the sky

Contributed by phessler on from the ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster dept.

It's been a long time coming, but Linux Emulation is going away.

Module name:	ports
Changes by:	2016/02/26 09:05:12

Modified files:
	emulators      : Makefile 
	games          : Makefile 

Log message:
Linux emulation is going away, unhook the Fedora userland and the last
port depending on it

Only useful on i386, with a super-old userland port available; Goodbye sweet COMPAT_LINUX, we hardly knew ye.

naddy@ also sent in a patch that fully removes COMPAT_LINUX from the tree, which is expected to land soon.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Henrik ( on

    Good riddance!

    1. By Chunmase ( on

      good one.

  2. By Han ( on

    The right thing to do is to run git versions of software on your system and report bugs as soon as they come along. That's why for example emacs always builds and works. Because I nag them when it doesn't.

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      > The right thing to do is to run git versions of software on your system and report bugs as soon as they come along. That's why for example emacs always builds and works. Because I nag them when it doesn't.

      Not as if you would fix it yourself :P

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        Thus spoke Anonymous Coward,

        Ever heard of teamwork?

  3. By Just Another OpenBSD User ( on

    Parallel Universe .1 Stardate PTXRFR9795348459788948: In a sudden sweep of reciprocal anger Xinux developers back-out COMPAT_WIFI and rage on thrashing utterly COMPAT_TCP_IP. Majority of cellular networks turn to weather radio stations and the economic journals report global surge in bleached paper costs for the next 35 years. Cloud sales plummet and heavy rainy weather sets on permanently.

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