OpenBSD Journal

u2k15: jung@ on asmc(4), ports work, EFI testing

Contributed by pitrh on from the apple senses dept.

The next report from the 2k15 hackathon comes from Joerg Jung (jung@), chronicling among other things the introduction of asmc(4):

Arriving at u2k15 I had a rather large refactoring patch for asmc(4) in my tree, which required some more tests. After finishing these I committed the changes, which fixed timing issues avoiding excessive tsleep()s and also fixed some 'comm collsion' errors. Moreover, I enabled asmc(4) on i386 as I received positive test reports for older Apple hardware (thanks to kettenis@).

There was a pidfile() removal raid happening at the hackathon (triggered by Theo), which I halfway participated. Related to this, I also committed some smtpd(8) changes.

No hackathon without a commit to a suckless port for me, this time to dwm (which I use daily on my main desktop). dwm received a minor patch removal, prodded by tedu@.

I also unsuccessfully tried several EFI bootloader patches to get my 2015 MacBook 8,1 working. Post-hackathon it booted successfully (thanks to yasuoka@ for hand-holding).

My grateful respect goes to stsp@ and involved organizers for making this hackathon happen.

Thanks for the work and the report, Joerg! This likely makes OpenBSD life significantly better for owners of Apple hardware.

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