Contributed by tj on from the it's all a bunch of tubes dept.
For our next c2k15 installment, we welcome new developer Rafael Zalamena (rzalamena@), who just submitted his first-ever hackathon report:
My name is Rafael Zalamena (rzalamena@) and this was my first OpenBSD hackathon.
I was invited to the hackathon early this year to help renato@ and mpi@ to deal with the commit of mpw(4) device to finish the VPLS implementation for OpenBSD, but after the first days in Calgary I was offered an account to do my first commits.
In this hackathon I was able to commit the whole mpw(4) diff (ifconfig(8) and man pages) with renato@ and he commited his LDPd VPLS diffs as well, so now we have a full working VPLS implementation in OpenBSD.
I had the opportunity to discuss with the network stack maintainers (mpi@ and claudio@) and learn from them some things about it that are not clear to a newcomer in this part of the code. With mpi@'s help I also got some motivation to start writing more diffs to help with the network stack MP-safety among other things.
The hackathon was important for me to understand better the preoccupation of others developers with code that I knew just by reading myself. Now I feel more secure writing diffs, because I know what kind of things might bother other developers and what to expect.
I would like to thank the OpenBSD foundation, the OpenBSD developers and others who participated in this event for the talks and the organization.
Thanks for the report, Rafael and welcome as a developer! We look forward to hearing more about all these things.
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