Contributed by tbert on from the remote-viewing dept.
The videos of the recently-concluded BSDCan are coming online at record speed. The OpenBSD videos online are:
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by tbert on from the remote-viewing dept.
The videos of the recently-concluded BSDCan are coming online at record speed. The OpenBSD videos online are:
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Copyright © - Daniel Hartmeier. All rights reserved. Articles and comments are copyright their respective authors, submission implies license to publish on this web site. Contents of the archive prior to as well as images and HTML templates were copied from the fabulous original with Jose's and Jim's kind permission. This journal runs as CGI with httpd(8) on OpenBSD, the source code is BSD licensed. undeadly \Un*dead"ly\, a. Not subject to death; immortal. [Obs.]
By Anonymous Coward ( on
(For those who want to know where I got this from, it's near the end of the presentation by Reyk Flöter, "Introducing OpenBSD’s new httpd", part 1.)
By Just Another OpenBSD User ( on
By Just Another OpenBSD User ( on
If only the audience comments/questions were audible or simply summarised by the presenter upon answering them, that would be even further excellent.
Even without them, the talks are amazing and very valuable.
By Anonymous Coward (2601:186:4180:61:4dda:15bd:c30e:6c9b) on
> If only the audience comments/questions were audible or simply summarised by the presenter upon answering them, that would be even further excellent....
Yeah, it would be wonderful if the presenter always repeated the question being answered before the answer is given.
By phessler (phessler) on
> If only the audience comments/questions were audible or simply summarised by the presenter upon answering them, that would be even further excellent.
> Even without them, the talks are amazing and very valuable.
I did try to do that, but didn't for every question. Sorry.
Attend next time, and you can ask your own questions! ;)
By Anonymous Coward (2601:186:4180:61:e5ea:7da4:1af5:7f1f) on
> Attend next time, and you can ask your own questions! ;)
I'll try. :)
In any case, many thanks to those who did the presentations. They were most informative!
By Philipp (pb) on