OpenBSD Journal

EU study recommends OpenBSD

Contributed by jj on from the meta-govt-says-you-are-safe dept.

In this European Parliament study: “EU should finance key open source tools” pointed out to us by Paul Irofti (pirofti@), and especially at study 2, they come to the conclusion that:
"[...] the use of open source computer operating systems and applications reduces the risk of privacy intrusion by mass surveillance. Open source software is not error free, or less prone to errors than proprietary software, the experts write. But proprietary software does not allow constant inspection and scrutiny by a large community of experts."
In the second part of the study, at 7.2.8, they say:
"It is recommended that users install security and privacy aware operating systems (OS) on their devices, in order to prevent malware to be installed and/or executed, prevent attackers from accessing the software running on the device, ease the creation of VPNs and tunnelling over untrusted connections and support a number of other security features. In the last years some robust implementations have appeared. Two of the most popular are:"

and then goes on to list Qubes and OpenBSD where OpenBSD gets this description:
"OpenBSD is a free, open-source multi-platform 4.4 Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD)-based UNIX-like operating system. Proactive security and cryptography are two of the features highlighted in the product together with portability, standardisation and correctness. Its built-in cryptography and packet filter make OpenBSD suitable for use in the security industry, for example on firewalls, intrusion-detection systems and VPN gateways"

Nice to see recognition from the trenches of bureaucracy.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Tux (tux) on

    If only they would now donate more to OpenBSD :-)

  2. By brynet (Brynet) on

    There's a lot of traffic in the news going to this article.. so I'm just gonna..

  3. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    Direct link to the pdf of the research report:
    URL -->

    The "privacy aware operating systems" enlisted on pages 52-53 are: Qubes, OpenBSD and --also mentioned-- TAILS.

    By the way also nice to see some other recommended privacy aware software and web services (section "Technical options for mitigating surveillance risk" starting at page 45.

  4. By Lars Nielsen ( on

    I think this will really boosted the interest in OpenBSD and Open Source in general. Congratulations.

    - Lars

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