OpenBSD Journal

BSDNow Episode 076: Time for a Change

Contributed by tj on from the timely-interview dept.

On this week's episode, the BSDNow folks interview Henning Brauer (henning@), featuring a cameo by the lovely and talented Ken Westerback (krw@) about OpenNTPD, especially in regards to the portable revival and later drool over the new security features.

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  1. By Anonymous Coward (2601:6:5182:4595:e1f4:f7a2:a623:9bfd) on

    "Time for a Change," cute. :)

    But appropriate.

    Many thanks for the OpenNTPd efforts, both the main OpenBSD version and the portable version.

    OpenNTPd has replaced all of the instances of the other daemon on my servers and workstations (thanks again to Mr. Beck for the portable version that made this possible).

    The last time I used the portable version (couple years ago) the accuracy was less than good. However, the recent portable version (I use the version in FreeBSD ports) has been holding time time within a millisecond or two on my home network, and within 10 milliseconds when sync'ing to time servers across the 'Net.

    1. By brynet (Brynet) on

      > (thanks again to Mr. Beck for the portable version that made this possible).

      It was Brent Cook (bcook@) that rejuvenated the porting effort for OpenNTPD.

      1. By Anonymous Coward (2601:6:5182:4595:e1f4:f7a2:a623:9bfd) on

        > > (thanks again to Mr. Beck for the portable version that made this possible).
        > It was Brent Cook (bcook@) that rejuvenated the porting effort for OpenNTPD.

        Yes, thank-you for the correction, and my apologies to Mr. Cook for the error. I mixed up Mr. Cook with a schoolmate who is also a Brent. :(


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