OpenBSD Journal

BSDCan 2015 Call for Papers

Contributed by tbert on from the mountie-up-and-ride dept.

BSDCan has announced their call for papers:

BSDCan is an enormously successful grass-roots style conference. It brings together a great mix of *BSD developers and users for a nice blend of both developer-centric and user-centric presentations, food, and activities.

Please follow the instructions for submitting a proposal to BSDCan 2015.

BSDCan 2015 will be held 12-13 June 2015 (Fri/Sat), in Ottawa. We are now requesting proposals for talks. We do not require academic or formal papers. If you wish to submit a formal paper, you are welcome to, but it is not required.

The talks should be written with a very strong technical content bias. Proposals of a business development or marketing nature are not appropriate for this venue.

If you have anything you think is worthwhile to share, write it up and send it in!

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