OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD 5.6 theme song available

Contributed by Andrew Fresh on from the dah-dah-dah-daaah-dah! dept.

The OpenBSD 5.6 theme song is out and unsurprisingly the it is the story of how bad things have to get before forking a project is the correct answer. These are some of the motivations behind LibreSSL and how seeing nginx headed down the same path turned into the new httpd.

(MP3 7.3MB) (OGG 5.3MB)

OpenBSD 5.6 CD2 track 2 is an uncompressed copy of this song.
[Order OpenBSD items]

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward (2a01:238:4200:4342:321e:80ff:fe12:4223) on

    The httpd manpage link is about twice my laptop (Thinkpad X61) screen width. This used to be better.

    1. By tbert (tbert) on


    2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      > The httpd manpage link is about twice my laptop (Thinkpad X61) screen width. This used to be better.

      Would that not be your web browser's fault for not wrapping?

    3. By Ingo Schwarze (schwarze) on

      > The httpd manpage link is about twice my laptop
      > (Thinkpad X61) screen width. This used to be better.

      You have a point. Since i don't know yet how to fix that,
      I have added an entry to the mandoc TODO list:

      Thanks for the report!

  2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    Where is the preorder page?

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      > Where is the preorder page?

      Well, I'm sure the page will be at

      OpenBSD order page

      like always. Other officially endorsed options show up on the web page about Ordering OpenBSD.

      I've noticed the main order page now says, about the "Current Release on CDROM" (for 5.5):

      "*** MAY BE SOLD OUT: Please do not combine with other items -- we will hold orders and not debit credit cards or ask for payment until we see if we get some returns from other dealers later this fall."

      Were there fewer made? (I recall around that time reading BSD funding shortfall, so maybe there was attempts to go leaner this time.) Or were there actually more sales this time (perhaps in response to more people wishing to support the project)?

      1. By George Koehler (kernigh) on

        OpenBSD 5.5 was the first release to be signed using signify(1). Some people bought CDs to get signify(1) and the public keys for OpenBSD 5.5 and 5.6.

        "Kill the rabbit, kill the rabbit, kill the rabbit, kill it right now! The hole, the hole..."

    2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      > Where is the preorder page?

      Anyone knows why you're not supposed to preorder yet?

      List: openbsd-misc
      Subject: Re: OpenBSD 5.6 pre-orders in Germany possible
      From: "OpenBSD Europe" <misc () openbsdeurope ! com>

      > Hi folks,
      > I just noticed that in Germany "Lehmanns" (see OpenBSD's order-site)
      > already accepts pre-orders for OpenBSD 5.6-release.
      > ...

      Please don't do this and cancel your order. Things will become obvious on
      Monday :)

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        Somebody does, and they'll share it on Monday.

          1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

            > > Somebody does, and they'll share it on Monday.
            > So what was going to happen on Monday?

            Things became obvious! :D


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