OpenBSD Journal

Heads Up: BIND Disabled in Base

Contributed by tbert on from the night of the living tedu dept.

After many years of being the default DNS server, BIND has been disabled in OpenBSD base:

Module name:	src
Changes by:	2014/08/22 13:19:25

Modified files:
	etc            : Makefile changelist group master.passwd rc 
	etc/mail       : aliases 
	etc/mtree      : 4.4BSD.dist 
Removed files:
	etc/bind       : db.localhost db.loopback 
	                 named-dual.conf named-simple.conf root.hint 
	etc/rc.d       : named 
	etc/systrace   : usr_sbin_named 

Log message:
disable use of bind in base; in the base use nsd/unbound instead.
a proper & complete bind port will show up.
discussed with many for years

In another commit, the build instructions have been pared back to provide the minimum command line utilities users are used to finding:

Module name:	src
Changes by:	2014/08/22 13:28:25

Modified files:
	usr.sbin/bind  : Makefile.bsd-wrapper configure 

Log message:
Strip the BIND code down to just building and installing dig, host and nslookup.

Users who wish to continue using BIND will have to wait for the port to show up; those wanting to use base to serve their needs will now (finally) need to transition to unbound.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By sthen (2001:4b10:1002:cc05:24f7:e369:310c:6480) on

    "Users who wish to continue using BIND will have to wait for the port to show up" - the port has been around since 5.2.

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      > "Users who wish to continue using BIND will have to wait for the port to show up" - the port has been around since 5.2.

      Are you referring to /ports/net/bind9/ ?

      Its last commit message is :

      remove bind9 port. no longer maintained. also comes with 3.3.

      1. By Giovanni Bechis ( on

        > > "Users who wish to continue using BIND will have to wait for the port to show up" - the port has been around since 5.2.
        > Are you referring to /ports/net/bind9/ ?
        > Its last commit message is :
        > remove bind9 port. no longer maintained. also comes with 3.3.

        No, he is referring to ports/net/isc-bind

    2. By J P ( on

      > "Users who wish to continue using BIND will have to wait for the port to show up" - the port has been around since 5.2.

      There is a port 'isc-bind' which is NOT the same as BIND 9 from base. I assume the base version went through more scrutiny.

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        Sure, e.g. see

  2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    Why just disabling it and not removing it? :-)

    Also: Who uses LKM?! Any Kernel Modules out there anybody is aware of?

    1. By Brad (2001:470:1d:8c::13) on

      > Why just disabling it and not removing it? :-)

      Contrary to the commit message it was removed.

  3. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    When Sendmail will be removed from base?
    And what's next? YP?

    1. By Brad (2001:470:1d:8c::13) on

      > When Sendmail will be removed from base?
      > And what's next? YP?


      YP / NIS can't be removed.


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