OpenBSD Journal

g2k14: Bob Beck on LibReSSL

Contributed by pitrh on from the libre sslithers out dept.

Bob Beck (beck@) was the first developer to submit a report from the just concluded g2k14 hackathon:

Well, this was certainly not the hackathon I would have predicted several months ago for me. Had you asked me in January what I'd be doing here it would have been wading into uvm, kernel lock, buffer cache, and other such things in the kernel.

Then LibreSSL happened.

I've spent a bunch of time before the hackathon with Theo working out the details of entropy, and entropy devices on non-OpenBSD operating systems, in preparation for a LibreSSL portable port. I've spent my hackathon continuing some of the flensing of libressl, helping out jsing@ and miod@ to some extent. I've had a number of conversations on kernel issues, but by far, my time here has been spent with a bunch of different unixes in vm's, (I even booted Linux native on my laptops several times...) learning about automake and fun things that I thought only ports people used, and working with Brent Cook on LibreSSL portable. Brent has been a great guy to get to know, and has done a fantastic job of getting LibreSSL portable off the ground - and the result you see is two initial portable LibreSSL releases for people to start working with on other operating systems.

I'm spending my last little while going back to chasing more bad code out of LibreSSL, and working with Joel and Brent on things - Even though portable has been started and is available, that work is still far from "done", and the cleaning will continue


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