OpenBSD Journal

Second Release of LibreSSL Portable Available

Contributed by phessler on from the signed, sealed, delivered dept.

Bob Beck (beck@) announced the second release of LibreSSL-portable:

We have released an update, LibreSSL 2.0.1

This release includes a number of portability fixes based on the
initial feedback we have received from the community.  This includes
among other things two new configure options to set OPENSSLDIR and
ENGINESDIR. We have removed a few hardcoded compiler options that
were problematic on some systems as well as -Werror. We have also
re-synced with the latest OpenBSD sources as a number of issues
were fixed upstream. This release also includes pkg-config support.

As noted before, we welcome feedback from the broader community.

Bob also writes:
Also starting with this release the directory includes SHA256
signatures which are signed using signify.

The signify public key for libressl is:

untrusted comment: LibreSSL Portable public key

(Comments are closed)

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