OpenBSD Journal

Autoinstall Video Demonstration

Contributed by weerd on from the bare metal to working system in 4m36s dept.

As a followup to our earlier story about automated installations, Robert Peichaer (rpe@) wrote in with a video that demonstrates how the new autoinstall works.

To play the video, click here.

This awesomeness will be part of OpenBSD 5.5, to be released on May 1st, 2014!

(Comments are closed)

  1. By zdw ( on

    If you have trouble playing this, try using VLC. The browser built in plugin didn't work for me.

    Is there any way to supply a script to partition the disks or set up RAID? Or to pull down system-specific config files, for example given by using the machine serial number/MAC address of ethernet card?

    1. By Sebastian Rother ( on

      > If you have trouble playing this, try using VLC. The browser built in plugin didn't work for me.
      > Is there any way to supply a script to partition the disks or set up RAID? Or to pull down system-specific config files, for example given by using the machine serial number/MAC address of ethernet card?

      Well the MP4-File is simply brocken.
      No matter if you use Windows Media Player, the IE or any other Browser: This aint a valid MP4-File for me and just VLC is capable of playing it.

      So maybe next time: Open Source Codecs? *ahem, or do you wanna watch it on MacOS X? :D* :-)

      Except this: nice PoC-Movie!

      1. By Marc Espie (espie) on

        > > If you have trouble playing this, try using VLC. The browser built in plugin didn't work for me.
        > >
        > > Is there any way to supply a script to partition the disks or set up RAID? Or to pull down system-specific config files, for example given by using the machine serial number/MAC address of ethernet card?
        > Well the MP4-File is simply brocken.
        > No matter if you use Windows Media Player, the IE or any other Browser: This aint a valid MP4-File for me and just VLC is capable of playing it.
        let me see.
        - ffplay -> check
        - mplayer -> check

        I don't think it's broken. It looks like it's the other way around, namely your shiny magnificent tools look like they don't want to handle h264 without sound....

  2. By Wesley MOUEDINE ASSABY (wesley974) on

    It will be nice to publish also the the answer file install.conf.

  3. By Robert Peichaer ( on

    I've been asked to provide the response file that has been used for this video.
    But instead of showing you the exact response file, I'd like to show you an example,
    which follows better practices.
    * hashed root password (see encrypt(1) for details)
    * login for user "puffy" only via ssh keys, password disabled
      (NOTE: This is a feature, only available in autoinstall.)
               System hostname = server1
               Password for root = $2a$14$Z4xRMg8vDpgYH...GVot3ySoj8yby
               Change the default console to com0 = yes
               Which speed should com0 use = 19200
               Setup a user = puffy
               Password for user = *************
               Public ssh key for user = ssh-rsa AAAAB3...RVtZJL puffy@ai
               What timezone are you in = Europe/Stockholm
               Location of sets = http
               Server =

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