OpenBSD Journal

ruBSD: interviews with Theo and Henning

Contributed by tbert on from the from-russia-with-love dept.

Last December Russian tech giant Yandex organised first ruBSD event in Moscow. OpenBSD developers Theo de Raadt, Henning Brauer and Mike Belopuhov gave three talks on different topics. There were interviews with Theo and Henning recorded as well. Theo spoke about current adoption of mitigation techniques in other OSes and state of OpenBSD project. Henning gave a history overview of PF.

All talks and interviews available online and for download.

Theo de Raadt: Exploit Mitigation Techniques: an Update After 10 Years (slides, video and interview)
Henning Brauer: OpenBSD's pf: Design, Implementation and Future (slides, video and interview)
Mike Belopuhov: OpenBSD: Where is crypto headed? (slides and video)

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