OpenBSD Journal

Ports tree locked for 4.7

Contributed by maxime on from the keys-to-locks dept.

Update (Tue Feb 23 20:11:00 CEST 2010): Jasper has unlocked the ports tree for a select group of people for "a bit longer".

On January 12, Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse (jasper@) announced that the ports tree has switched in softlock mode, meaning that users were welcome to test and report bugs. Now, on February 17, he announced on the ports@ mailing-list that the ports tree has been locked for the upcoming OpenBSD 4.7 release.

Please read on for Jasper's message:

From: Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse <>
Subject: Ports locked
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 19:48:23 +0100

The ports tree is now locked for the 4.7 release. Thanks to everyone
who tested.


Jasper's update to ports re-opens the tree for specific people :

so, an unexpected opportunity arose that will allow us to work on ports
yet a  little bit longer. this mean that we can get caught up, without          
introducing any risks. 

people who're allowed to commit, have been informed.


A few updates have already gone in, mostly for mips64el fixes.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Denis (Denis) on

    I guess the time was too short to put DNSSEC improvements of Bind9.7 into OpenBSD 4.7.

    1. By Renaud Allard (renaud) on

      > I guess the time was too short to put DNSSEC improvements of Bind9.7 into OpenBSD 4.7.

      Bind is in base, not in the ports system

      1. By Marc Espie (espie) on

        > > I guess the time was too short to put DNSSEC improvements of Bind9.7 into OpenBSD 4.7.
        > Bind is in base, not in the ports system

        Yeah, well, when did not knowing anything about OpenBSD prevented that crowd from uttering moronic comments ?

        Seriously though, there are some changes OpenBSD is goign to move away from bind anyways, as it's getting tiresome to band-aid such a piece of junk...

        1. By Renaud Allard (renaud) on

          > Seriously though, there are some changes OpenBSD is goign to move away from bind anyways, as it's getting tiresome to band-aid such a piece of junk...

          That's very good news. What is going to be the replacement? An existing implementation or a new in house development?

          1. By Brad (brad) on

            > That's very good news. What is going to be the replacement? An existing implementation or a new in house development?

            nsd / Unbound.

            1. By Anonymous Coward (anon) on

              > > That's very good news. What is going to be the replacement? An existing implementation or a new in house development?
              > nsd / Unbound.

              The resolver needs work too.

              1. By Brad (brad) on

                > > > That's very good news. What is going to be the replacement? An existing implementation or a new in house development?
                > >
                > > nsd / Unbound.
                > The resolver needs work too.

                Very much so.

      2. By Denis (Denis) on

        > Bind is in base, not in the ports system

        Damnit, you are right ! I guess I wasn't fully awake when reading the Journal :p


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