OpenBSD Journal

LinuxTag 2006 with OpenBSD in Germany

Contributed by Wilhelm Buehler on from the dept.


don't forget to visit the LinuxTag in Wiesbaden/Germany.

This large Open Source event will be from May 3rd to 6th 2006 and we will have a BSD-area. You will find OpenBSD and OpenSSH in the main hall with showcases and the usual T-Shirts. We will have the 3.9-CDs there!

At Friday May 5th we have talks about OpenBSD and OpenBGPD, this will be announced in detail on the LinuxTag-website soon.

In the BSD-area you'll find also information about BSDCG and they will give a talk about the status of this project on Friday.




(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    why it is called "linux tag"? they should call it "opensource tag" - it will better fit the topic of this day. however ... nice to see that openbsd is there :)

    1. By wim ( on

      There are various events in Europe that have names that sound a bit Linux centric, but that sheet does 'not cover' the whole event.

      One of the notorious ones is Linuxforum in Denmark where most of the organisers are BSD users ;-)

    2. By Frank ( on

      I think it's historically grown. IIRC there has been only Linux in the beginning of the linux tag series. Correct me if I'm wrong.

      I could imagine that it's the influence of the guug (german unix user group) that there will be more things beside linux...


    3. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      > why it is called "linux tag"? they should call it "opensource tag" - it will better fit the topic of this day. however ... nice to see that openbsd is there :)

      Why not "FreiSoftwareTag"? "Open source" just doesn't cut it.

  2. By Markus Schatzl ( lists - at - neuronenwerk - dot - de on

    I will be given 2 tickets for LinuxTag, but can't go there. So if anyone can use them, drop me a mail.

  3. By Bryan ( on

    I went to LinuxTag 3 years ago when it was in Karlsruhe - absolutely great time. Booths from just about all the big linux interests - from debian to sun, redhat to dell - and many smaller OSS houses as well. That year it seemed like about half the talks, maybe a little more were in German, but there were still plenty of English ones, and several of the German presenters actually asked if anyone needed English before they started. True, it was mainly linux-oriented, but there were plenty of non-linux things to interest everyone here.

    I definitely recommend going - it's a great place to check out many of the OSS cutting-edgers, and Germany is such a fun country anyway.


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