Contributed by phessler on from the east coast .ca secconf. Soon EvsW battles! dept.
While msf@ is an OpenBSD developer and is one of the event organizers, our readers should also note that OpenBSD developers past and present will be in attendance as speakers too. In addition to a more traditional three day conference format, there are two intensive reverse engineering sessions. For those who can attend, this looks like a great first year kickoff for what promises to be an excellent infosec training experience:
RECON 2005
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
17 - 19 June 2005
We are pleased to announce the final paper selection for the RECON
RECON is a computer security conference taking place in downtown Montreal
the 17th to the 19th of June 2005.
Please take note that we have extended the early registration period
until April 30th. We have also reduced the student registration rate to
Here are the final results from the Call For Papers:
Aaron Newman - Techniques for Attacking an Oracle Database
Adam Shostack - Anonymous Blogging System
Andrew Griffiths - Binary protection schemes
Cedric Blancher - Attacking Wifi with Traffic Injection
Fravia - Wizard searching: reversing the
commercial web for fun and knowledge
Haroon Meer - Web Application Hacking
Jack Whitsitt - Visual analysis: 2d does it better in color
Jonathan Levin - The Dark Side of Winsock
Jonathan Westhues - Practical attack on a prox card
Jose Nazario - Introduction to network programming with
libevent, libned and libnids
Kathy Wang - Using honeyclients to discover new attacks
Matt Shelton - Passive asset detection system
Nish Bhalla - Auditing source code
Nicolas Brulez &
Ryan Russell - Malware Analysis
Pedram Amini - Process stalking: runtime visual rce
Robert E. Lee &
Jack Louis - Syllogic application testing
Ryan McBride - Network Randomness in OpenBSD
Thorsten Schneider - Hardening Registration Number Protection Schemes
Todd MacDermid &
Jack Lloyd - Encrypted P2P and VoIP Spaces with CUTLASS
An intensive Reverse Engineering training course will be given by Nicolas Brulez. Two sessions will take place, there is currently a few available space on each training.
Visit for more information.
Please visit for discussions about REcon.
Recon Staff <>
The author of this story is grey, who is offline for an extended period of time. I pushed it for him -phessler
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