# $Id: CHANGES,v 1.24 2023/11/26 03:32:32 rlr Exp $ 2023-11-26 Version 2.3 Changes since 2.2: - Fixed typos in comments and (one) preprocessor directive. No functional change. 2023-10-31 Version 2.2 Changes since 2.1: - If runtime-debugging is enabled (in a DEBUG build), output includes comments indicating the start and end of each template file. - Code improvements. 2021-10-10 Version 2.1 Changes since 2.0: - For RFC-compliance, ensure that no message-body is returned in responses to HTTP requests that use method HEAD. 2021-09-03 Version 2.0 Changes since 1.9: - Changed RSS MIME type to "application/rss+xml". 2021-04-13 Version 1.9 Changes since 1.8: - To allow for IPv6 temporary (privacy) addresses, match on /64 when checking authorisation cookie. 2021-01-28 Version 1.8 Changes since 1.7: - Corrected typo in checking for empty string. (Was checking address rather than character against NUL.) - Previously (even before fwobac), it has not been possible to edit (arbitrarily) the contributor name in existing submissions/articles. This is now possible. 2020-05-30 Version 1.7 Changes since 1.6: - Fixed two [potential] errors in parsing of configuration file. - Modified parsing of "If-Modified-Since" headers to accept a wider variety of formats. (This remains imperfect.) - Removed workarounds for problems in old versions of kcgi. - Changed to make use of new API functions in recent versions of kcgi. 2018-12-12 Version 1.6 Changes since 1.5: - Corrected processing of article subjects in generation of RSS by introducing (new) template macro "SUBJECT_PLAIN_CREF", which is replaced by the subject with HTML markup ["<...>"] stripped, but character references ("&" etc) preserved. 2018-06-28 Version 1.5 Changes since 1.4: - For rate-limited RSS requests (action=rss), changed to respond with HTTP status code 429 rather than 503. - Changed RSS content-type to 'application/xml; charset="utf-8"'. - Reworked conversion of HTML to text to support UTF-8 in the output, and UTF-8 and HTML character references (named and numeric) in the input. - Added UTF-8 validity checks for request fields. In addition, added specific checks for NAME, SUBJECT, and CONTENT0 inputs. - Versions of kcgi prior to 0.10.6 contain a bug in kutil_urlencode() [on platforms on which char is signed]. Added a workaround for this. - Changed the default MTA to /usr/sbin/sendmail, and made it possible to override using compilation define MAIL_MTA. 2018-01-19 Version 1.4 Changes since 1.3: - For action "rss", changed the default number of article items to match the number shown for action "front". - Added key "full" (Boolean) for action "rss" determining whether to respond with initial part ["Read more..."] or complete article items (for articles with "more" component). 2017-12-13 Version 1.3 Changes since 1.2: - Made actions "addr_block"/"addr_unblock" conditionally compiled (FEATURE_ADDR_BLOCK). - Corrected bug in handling comment/URL in user preferences. - Corrected bug causing loss across edits of the time authored of an submission/article. - Added actions "user_del", "user_info", and "user_mod"/"user_modpost". - Renamed actions "lock_acct"/"unlock_acct" to "acct_lock"/"acct_unlock". - Renamed actions "block_addr"/"unblock_addr" to "addr_block"/"addr_unblock". - If compiled with COMPAT_LEGACY_PW: - undefined/0 - bcrypt format password hashes are used - defined/1 - passwords are verified against existing hashes in either legacy or bcrypt formats - new/updated passwords are stored as bcrypt hashes - defined to 2 - legacy format password hashes are used - Added macro "SUBJECT_PLAIN" for SUBJECT stripped of markup. This is intended for use with things like HTML . 2017-09-11 Version 1.2 Changes since 1.1: - Fixed a bug in saving the "time_authored:" field in content files. - Added simple theme support (when compiled with FEATURE_THEMES). - If compiled with COMPAT_BRAINDEAD_FB, fwobac deals with incorrectly percent-encoded requests of the form fwobac?action=article;sid=YYYYmmddHHMMSS... (as generated by a prominent social networking platform). by redirecting to the intended URL. - The "subject" fields of article and comment content are now (consistently) in HTML format. Template macro "SUBJECT_RAW" has been added to allow display of the source HTML, in contrast with SUBJECT which displays the (marked up) subject value. - If compiled with COMPAT_LEGACY_R (to support reading legacy content files): for template macro "TIME_A_FMT:", fall back to "TIME_S_FMT:" if an article has no "time_authored:" header, and to "TIME_E_FMT:" in other cases. - Made comment/URL in user preferences optional, removed macro "COMMENT" (by merging it into "HREF"), and removed key "comment" (by merging it into "href"). - Added template macro "ACTION". - Improved documentation (in README) of cache directory. 2017-08-22 Version 1.1 Changes since 1.0: - Corrected two errors in generation of URLs, one of which could result in crashes. 2017-08-20 Version 1.0 Initial release