OpenBSD Journal

t2k17 Hackathon Report: Daniel Jakots on updating ports, Nagios OpenBGPD plugin and...

Contributed by nayden on from the portabello dept.

I slacked so much that even portroach stopped mailing the outdated ports I maintained as it noticed how pointless it was :-) The last few months I had had much less energy/motivation to maintain my ports than before. One of the reasons is the few times I tried to update my ports, I run into weird/unusual problem and it shrugged me off. I was looking forward to the hackathon to solve the problems and finally got my port updated.

I begin my journey with updating 'graphics/pqiv'. It was very good because it's a simple port and it made me look at the new COMPILER variable. One thing I wanted to do this hackathon was updating 'haproxy'. We were using a old-stable branch and when I wanted to update it to the newest stable branch, I had a problem because of 'libressl/openssl'. Finally after slacking for a while, Bernard Spil created a patch for trueos. I stole the patch and it just worked \o/.

Some ports I maintained (like 'duplicity' or 'py-flask') were actually updated in my own tree for a few weeks but I never took care of committing them so I finally did that. I looked at updating 'weechat' and for both 'pqiv' and 'weechat' I had some time_t patches which I upstreamed because maintaining these in the ports tree is not really a good thing.

After that, I looked at porting a new OpenBGPD check for nagios-like system. I lately thought about checking what we have in the ports tree for that. We only had one check and in fact was broken so I talked with other people I know they run OpenBGPD in production to see what they use. I talked with afresh1@ which is upstream/maintainer of the aformentionned check. It appeared that he fixed it 2 years ago but didn't update our ports. He quickly committed an update to a newer version. I postponed the port for the other check as some work is needed upstream first.

Another goal of my hackathon was looking at updating 'xkeyboard-config' which is one of the 3rd party tool we have in xenocara. I already did the previous update but I missed some local patches so I had to be more careful this time. This update is not yet committed.

Other than that, I looked at a few ports submission and with the help/review of jca@, I committed them.

Thanks a lot to the University of Toronto and krw@! Thank you Daniel (danj@) for your t2k17 update!

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